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    Thread: Vuze sends port=0 to trackers when both IPv4 and IPv6 tracker/announce exists
Post: Vuze sends port=0 to trackers when both IPv4 and I...

Vuze downloading a Torrent that has one HTTPs announce and few HTTPs trackers (one of them is the same as the announce). Vuze sends port=0 to tracker with IPv6 support all trackers having va...
supercoolman Open Development 0 3,712 04-02-2018, 05:06 PM
    Thread: sorting visual inconsistency
Post: sorting visual inconsistency

in the library or any other tab panel, sorting a column dislpay triangle for sorting smallest number at top and largest number at the bottom. sorting a column dislpay upside down triangle for sorting ...
supercoolman Open Development 2 4,156 03-25-2016, 04:09 PM
    Thread: a bug on torrent renaming
Post: a bug on torrent renaming

when a torrent only has one file, renaming the torrent will remove the temp file extension for incomplete file such as .az! this is probably due to the texts field content for renaming torrent doesn't...
supercoolman Community Open Support 1 3,741 05-26-2015, 01:12 AM
    Thread: sometime, Vuze 5.6 recheck completed torrent made torrent stuck at download section
Post: sometime, Vuze 5.6 recheck completed torrent made ...

this flaky issue (doesn't always happen) is simple to reproduce. 1. add a whole bunch of torrents where each torrent has only one file 2. change view to Library 3. a couple of the torrents completed ...
supercoolman Community Open Support 0 3,703 04-11-2015, 11:08 AM
    Thread: Backup failed
Post: Backup failed

is this a new issue or I just haven't had it with any previous versions of Vuze? (Message from previous close of Vuze) Backup failed at Mon Apr 06 00:26:01 CST 2015 java.lang.Exception: operation can...
supercoolman Community Open Support 1 4,691 04-05-2015, 12:31 PM
    Thread: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prompt
Post: RE: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prom...

these crash had never happened before I upgrade to Vuze 5.6 everything including JAVA was exactly the same with Vuze 5.5, but without the crash which makes me suspect something new in 5.6 is causing i...
supercoolman Community Open Support 6 6,484 04-04-2015, 10:45 AM
    Thread: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prompt
Post: RE: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prom...

attach the hs_err_ logs (~50KB each) the latest one was silent disappearance (crash) while downloading      attached in zip. looks like 7zip and log files are not allowed.
supercoolman Community Open Support 6 6,484 04-03-2015, 10:51 PM
    Thread: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prompt
Post: RE: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prom...

forgot to mention that promoview was already disabled and Vuze had went through a couple restart since then
supercoolman Community Open Support 6 6,484 04-02-2015, 09:37 AM
    Thread: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prompt
Post: Vuze 5.6 auto exit when switch focus from prompt

start seeing this issue only after update to 5.6 on Windows 7 these are the steps I did, not sure if it's exactly due to this 1. double click on a torrent file to launch Vuze with a prompt, but keep...
supercoolman Community Open Support 6 6,484 04-01-2015, 07:46 PM
    Thread: Vuze 5.6 is unable to handle some torrent
Post: RE: Vuze 5.6 is unable to handle some torrent

got it
supercoolman Community Open Support 4 4,874 04-01-2015, 12:45 PM
    Thread: Vuze 5.6 is unable to handle some torrent
Post: RE: Vuze 5.6 is unable to handle some torrent

is there anyways to force a prompt? magnet url seems to fail as well.
supercoolman Community Open Support 4 4,874 04-01-2015, 08:56 AM
    Thread: Vuze 5.6 is unable to handle some torrent
Post: Vuze 5.6 is unable to handle some torrent

thought I started a thread, guess I didn't. Vuze 5.6 can't process the following torrent while multiple other torrent clients are able to process this torrent. Vuze saved a copy of the torrent file t...
supercoolman Community Open Support 4 4,874 04-01-2015, 01:40 AM