Previously I asked for a way to start a Torrent Downloading but place it in a Paused State. That feature works great. Start Stopped, then shift to Paused. I have a 300gb cap for Download with Unlimited Upload. And have Unlimited Download from 2am to 8am.
Recently my connection was down for a period over night and when I got up the Downloads were still running after 8am. A situation I did not anticipate. So to the request. Here is what my Schedule looks like currently:
daily limited from 00:00 to 23:59
daily unlimited from 02:00 to 07:59
daily resume_all from 01:59 to 02:00
net_limit monthly:unlimited
net_limit monthly:limited down=260G
net_limit weekly:limited down=65G
In the notes above there is the line:
Pre-defined profiles: [pause_all, resume_all]
So what I would like to see is the Pre-defined profiles to expand to include pause_dl, resume_dl , pause_ul, resume_ul
Now I really only need the pause_dl so I can pause them at the end of the unlimited download period of 2am to 8am. Just thought that if it is going to be done, the pause and resume for all, dl & ul, should all be covered. So my new schedule would be able to look like:
daily limited from 00:00 to 23:59
daily unlimited from 02:00 to 07:59
daily resume_all from 01:59 to 02:00
daily pause_dl from 07:59 to 08:00
net_limit monthly:unlimited
net_limit monthly:limited down=260G
net_limit weekly:limited down=65G
Oh and speaking of Pause. Noticed a new Pause for on the Advanced Tab of Right-click on a Torrent. Thought about it and I think it might be better to move it to a Fly-Out on the Main Right-Click on a Torrent from the PAUSE command. And have 2 variations on the fly out. Pause For, and Pause Until.
And lastly, and I can't think of a solution for this. When Restarting or after a Beta Update a restart occures. All torrents are paused, Vuze Restarts and all Pause Resume. Only problem is that Torrents Paused Before, don't return to Paused. So my solution has been to Stop them before the restart, then Resume and immediately Pause them. Only thing I can think of is to apply a pause_dl if you add it, like this:
daily resume_dl from 02:00 to 07:59
daily pause_dl from 08:00 to 23:59
daily pause_dl from 00:00 to 01:59
# not sure but don't think it crosses midnight, so 2 lines, correct me if I'm wrong.
So those are my ideas. They are not a rush, so take your time. Perhaps you have ideas to clean up or improve the scheduling that you have planned for the future. Having a DL exceed the end of the 6 hour unlimited period was a rare event due to ISP issues. It happened months ago, just kept putting off writing this. Thing that made me remember was the new Pause For on the Advanced Fly-Out.
Thanks for considering my ideas. You have acted on several, and I appreciate all the hard work.
I wonder if the new 'speed limit' of 'disabled' would work better for you, it only applies to 'Peer Sets' at the moment though. So instead of pausing downloads completely you could set their 'download rate' to disabled - this would still allow the downloading torrents to upload what they had available? It should be possible to extend the 'disabled' speed limit to Tags and then allow them to be scheduled. Just a thought...
I have about 20 different tags, so I think that method would be overly complicated. The reason I thought of extending the Pause/Resume in the Schedule to DL and UL is that it is just that, and extension of something existing. That and the concept for users who use the schedule is easy to understand. A simple change the state of things at a set time.
Ok, read the new Wiki entry on Extensions. So created a new profile called dlstate. Just so it didn't clash with the Limited and Unlimited profiles. Then at the bottom added the following.
daily dlstate from 02:00 to 02:00 start_tag:Paused
daily dlstate from 02:05 to 02:05 stop_tag:Paused
Normally the 2nd line would have 08:00 but was going to test for 5 minutes to see exactly what it did. But when I saved it. I got the following:
'daily dlstate from 02:00 to 02:00 start_tag:Paused' is invalid (extension 'start_tag:Paused' is invalid, tag 'Paused' not found) - use <frequency> <profile> from <hh:mm> to <hh:mm>
'daily dlstate from 02:05 to 02:05 stop_tag:Paused' is invalid (extension 'stop_tag:Paused' is invalid, tag 'Paused' not found) - use <frequency> <profile> from <hh:mm> to <hh:mm>
Paused was my 2nd try, I had also tried Downloading. Seems it doesn't like System Tags. Guessing it wants user tags, but I have user 18 tags, so as I understand it, I would need to add an extra tag to every download, or add 36 lines to the schedule to cover all of them.
So how am I supposed to do this. And what exactly does the start_tag stop_tag do? I was originally asking for a Pause_DL, Resume_DL, and for good measure, Pause_UL, Resume_UL.
Right, it works with user tags.
What I had in mind was the creation of a single other tag, call it 'All' for example, that all downloads are automatically assigned to:
You don't start/stop the downloads at all, you simply schedule an upload/download rate of 'disabled' against that tag for the periods that you want to disable upload or download...
These features exist in B09. Of course they might not do what you want.
This is why I originally asked for a DL version of the existing pause resume in schedule.
Doing it this way, I have to remember to ADD 2 tags to every torrent, one of the 18 that I use to categorize the torrent. Plus one for this additional tag. Then the disable setting, and additional profile, constraints coding........
Then after it becomes a seed, I will have to come back and remove the extra tag from the torrent, to prevent un-anticipated actions from the disable setting, and additional profile, constraints coding........
That is why the setting to flip a torrent download started in Stopped to Paused was created, so it could be HIT by resume_all. Is a pause_dl that hard. We have in library view, dl and ul panes. I just want a simple way to at the end of the unlimited download period to pause everything in the dl pane.
The solution I proposed doesn't require you to manually add downloads to Tags - the simple constraint of 'true' causes ALL DOWNLOADS TO BE AUTOMATICALLY ADDED TO THAT TAG.
It is a one-off operation that will take you 5 seconds to perform
Add Tag 'All'
Right-click on 'All' Tag, select Properties->Contraints...
Enter 'true' (without quotes)
Hit OK
Then you create two profiles
1) clear all speed limits; go to Tools->Speed Limits->Save current as... Call it 'unlimited'
2) Right-click on All tag, set download-rate to 'disabled'; go to Tools->Speed Limits->Save current as... Call it 'no_download'
Schedule those two profiles.
This, as I said before, has the ADDED ADVANTAGE that your incomplete downloads will continue to UPLOAD during the 'no download' period.
The funny thing is that I am here, coding all of Vuze and all features for all the people, and you find it too much effort to click a few times and type a few characters.
PS. take a look at if think it is an easy change.
I'll give it a try. But the way I have been doing it. Start in Stopped with transition to Paused (settings), then resume_all at beginning of unlimited download period. With the occasional torrent during the day, that I need now, so I shift that one to queued. Seems this will prevent the occasional need now download.
And I don't see how the start_tag stop_tag fits in this.
I'll give it a go, take a few days to try with enough torrents to try some different combos of activity.
Ok, thanks, I'd rather do it this way than extending the pause/resume stuff as the code's a bit nasty. You don't need the start_tag/stop_tag for this unless there's a good reason to actually stop the downloads (which is really when you don't want upload or download for those tagged torrents)
Regarding the 'occasional need now' download you can do this by Tags in line with
To work with the perviously suggested 'All' tag approach you would instead create two tags
'NonPriority - set the constraint to be '!hasTag( "Priority" )'
Then apply your 'disable' speed limit to the NonPriority tag and create profiles/schedule as before.
When you have a download that you want to run and ignore the disable-download settings simply drag it to the 'Priority' Tag
- Ok, setup as you described.
- Added torrent.
- Torrent shows as downloading but not moving.
Tried forced start, no luck. Tried right-click torrent, tags, and uncheck All, but it's not there. Thought it might show after a restart, so did that, and still right-click on torrent, tags and it's not there.
So no way to make just one download go now if I am unwilling to wait until the overnight unlimited period.
I have a 300gb cap, and can release some during the day if I need it sooner that over-night.
Using the start in stopped and switch to paused was so much easier. I could just change the one I needed now to queued, and the other would wait for the resume_all. A pause_dl for the schedule would be easier to use. It could simply say anything in the System Tag Downloading gets paused.
Also, now in the main panes, under my columns (ie tags, name, size, share Ratio, etc.) where the tag names fit nicely, now I have 'All, MyTagName' except now it looks like 'All, MyTa...'
Perhaps a better option would be to allow the start_tag stop_tag to act on the system tags. Then I could just use the system tags like the following:
daily dlstate from 02:00 to 02:00 start_tag:Paused
daily dlstate from 08:00 to 08:00 stop_tag:Downloading
Although, like resume_all and pause_all, instead of stop and start, resume_tag and pause_tag. And allow it to act on either user or system tags. so it would look like.
daily dlstate from 02:00 to 02:00 resume_tag:Paused
daily dlstate from 08:00 to 08:00 pause_tag:Downloading
OK, B11 will have support for pause_tag and resume_tag on download state (system) tags - not tested so please tell me how it works out.
Ok, here is the result of testing:
These 3 lines do the job:
daily limited from 00:00 to 23:59
daily unlimited from 02:00 to 07:59 resume_tag:Paused
daily limited from 07:59 to 08:00 pause_tag:Downloading
This resumes for the 6 hours of unlimited and then pauses, and goes back to line 1. Leaving downloads paused and manual control for the rest of the day.
Now to test it further, I tried to turn on/off at intervals I could monitor (extra lines):
daily limited from 00:00 to 23:59
daily unlimited from 02:00 to 07:59 resume_tag:Paused
daily limited from 07:59 to 08:00 pause_tag:Downloading
daily limited from 20:30 to 20:30 resume_tag:Paused
daily limited from 20:32 to 20:32 pause_tag:Downloading
something was not right after the first 2 extra line, so I add the last 2 lines. At 20:29 this was the state of view current:
Active rule: profile=limited, frequency=daily, from=20:32, to=20:32, pause_tag:Downloading
In theory, it should resume at 20:30 and stay resumed at 20:31 as line would be be active. Then Pause and remain paused at 20:32. But at 20:29 when I view current it should be line 1 that covers all day.
Only thing I can think of is it doesn't like identical start end times. But your example had them. If you could test this. I setup using a start torrent stopped then pause in the settings. Then the above.
So works, but would like a 2nd person to test a series of on/off cycles to be sure.
Documentation says:
# When multiple rules apply the one further down the list of rules take precedence
Would that explain it? AFAIK if you have start+end time the same then that will cover the whole day, but I haven't tested...
Thought your example ment start/end the same for only that minute.
So instead of this:
daily limited from 20:30 to 20:30 resume_tag:Paused
daily limited from 20:32 to 20:32 pause_tag:Downloading
I need this:
daily limited from 20:30 to 20:31 resume_tag:Paused
daily limited from 20:32 to 20:33 pause_tag:Downloading
So for a trigger action that happens and then leave it in that state, I need a 1 minute range.
Think so - tell me how it works out.
So as I said earlier, I need this:
daily limited from 20:30 to 20:31 resume_tag:Paused
daily limited from 20:32 to 20:33 pause_tag:Downloading
It really must have the one minute range. Would be nice (no don't change it unless you want to, it is working), if there were an 'at' in addition to 'from' but required an action. Basically a trigger action that happens 'at' that time.
Not worth changing now. But perhaps on list for it you ever do a complete overhaul of the scheduling.