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Full Version: cannot open Vuze today??
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Hiya..... for some reason I cannot open Vuze today. I have tried to uninstall ................. cannot. I have tried to download Vuze again and cannot get past accepting 'run' ................. does not take me to the installatin wizard .................... help please.
I have also restored my laptop to an earlier date, updated my anti virus software and re-booted ................ to no avail. None of the forementioned helped. ???

I cannot think of what I might have done. Been using Vuze for some years now ???
Some new machines you need to save Vuze exe on your computer , when you go to and install
then right click and run as administrator.
Then it should run and reinstall.
I am having a similar problem. Vuse starts to open normally. (opens window, loads info, then shuts itself down)
(Seems) since the last update.
I have uninstalled, re-installed Vuse.
I am running the latest Java runtime 64 and 32 bit.

Please help, I really don't want to switch torrent clients!