I am finding that the check if Vuze is running new feature does not allow enough time when restarting Vuze and crashes out with the Vuze already running error. I have no idea where to apply the fix mentioned as the file name to edit is not given. DHT is taking longer and longer to initialise when i2P is running. Can anyone suggest a fix for either or both minor problems?
What NO ONE CAN COMMENT or help me?
Well no help with the first question, so let's move on. I use super seeding as I often have large swarms of 10 or more peers on a 1.6GB sized torrent. Only about 50% of peers can download from me. I understand that many have blocked ports and can not receive my request that they download the bits I offer, but I am seeing a lot of Java errors on the consul. Can anyone advise on this:
[20:19:52.334] {net} Received [BT_HAVE piece #51] message; | TorrentDLM: 'Rigmar Radio Karaoke Collection 42000'; Peer: R:4.170:48745 [BitTorrent 7.9.2]
[20:20:00.041] {net} Received [BT_HAVE piece #1104] message; | TorrentDLM: 'Rigmar Radio Karaoke Collection 42000'; Peer: R: 4.170:48745 [BitTorrent 7.9.2]
[20:20:02.142] {net} Received [BT_HAVE piece #1083] message; | TorrentDLM: 'Rigmar Radio Karaoke Collection 42000'; Peer: R: 170:48745 [BitTorrent 7.9.2]
[20:20:03.186] {net} Received [BT_HAVE piece #1099] message; | TorrentDLM: 'Rigmar Radio Karaoke Collection 42000'; Peer: R: 170:48745 [BitTorrent 7.9.2]
[20:20:16.132] {net} Received [BT_HAVE piece #1162] message; | TorrentDLM: 'Rigmar Radio Karaoke Collection 42000'; Peer: R: 4.170:48745 [BitTorrent 7.9.2]
[20:20:33.278] {stderr} DEBUG::Fri Feb 05 20:20:33 CET 2016::org.gudy.azureus2.core3.stats.transfer.impl.LongTermStatsImpl::getTotalUsageInPeriod::1051:
[20:20:33.281] {stderr} getTotalUsageInPeriod (LongTermStatsImpl.java:1195), getTotalUsageInPeriod (LongTermStatsImpl.java:1086), getTotalUsageInPeriod (LongTermStatsWrapper.java:94), writePluginInfo (I2PHelperPlugin.java:2029), checkTunnelQuantities (I2PHelperPlugin.java:1829), access$20 (I2PHelperPlugin.java:1721), perform (I2PHelperPlugin.java:1301), perform (TimerEventPeriodic.java:105), runSupport (TimerEvent.java:133), run (AERunnable.java:35), runIt (ThreadPool.java:328), run (ThreadPool.java:717), run (AEThread2.java:294)
[20:20:33.285] {stderr} java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "
---------------- Peers IP edited out -------------------------------
What does this all mean. In effect they just send me updates of what they have but I never un choke them or if I do send HAVE BIT 170 they ignore me and I get a heap more red java error script in the consul. It always centres around Java.lang errors of one sort or the other. I am running the latest Java32 bit under windows 10 64 bit as recommended by Java