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Full Version: File added
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Okay, so I booted my computer like I normally do. Went and used the bathroom, came back, and there was a file that was added without my authorization. Checked the description and it said it was added by Vuze? Someone mind telling me why Vuze is adding files to the client without proper confirmation and why they are causing security concerns?
Probably a Vuze update.

Disable them if you want via Tools->Options->Plugins->Plugin Update (for plugins) and Tools->Options->Interface->Start for core ones.
(01-28-2016, 01:45 PM)'parg' Wrote: [ -> ]Probably a Vuze update.

Disable them if you want via Tools->Options->Plugins->Plugin Update (for plugins) and Tools->Options->Interface->Start for core ones.


Thank you, I'll give that a try. I was just concerned it might not actually been Vuze, but the file did begin with az.