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Full Version: Can't open torrents anymore
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A few days ago, Vuze stopped being able to open any torrents. Not via file association, not via magnet, not by directly opening either a .torrent file, or a magnet link. I think it stopped about the time Windows pulled a bunch of new updates.

For example,
File->Open->Select file, open.
The screen blinks, I see the seeds have the Seeding Rank column go blank for a moment, and then ... Nothing. The torrent doesn't show up in the list, there is no error message, nothing.

However, the file does get copied to AppData\Roaming\Azureus\torrents.

I get the same behavior with a magnet link, except I get the screen while it searches the DBT. When that screen goes away, nothing. No new torrent. Again, no error messages, it just doesn't do anything.

Win 7 Home, fully patched.
Vuze, check for updates says I'm current.
(11-15-2015, 05:15 PM)'PhotoKevin' Wrote: [ -> ]A few days ago, Vuze stopped being able to open any torrents. Not via file association, not via magnet, not by directly opening either a .torrent file, or a magnet link. I think it stopped about the time Windows pulled a bunch of new updates.

For example,
File->Open->Select file, open.
The screen blinks, I see the seeds have the Seeding Rank column go blank for a moment, and then ... Nothing. The torrent doesn't show up in the list, there is no error message, nothing.

However, the file does get copied to AppData\Roaming\Azureus\torrents.

I get the same behavior with a magnet link, except I get the screen while it searches the DBT. When that screen goes away, nothing. No new torrent. Again, no error messages, it just doesn't do anything.

Win 7 Home, fully patched.
Vuze, check for updates says I'm current.


I experienced this after my Vuze client updated last Friday, tried the reinstalling and tried the beta program update. Neither fixes it. Running Windows 10 64-bit full patched. No Windows updates that correspond to this issue. Running Vuze with Java 1.8.0_66 (64bit)
When clicking on a Subscription RSS fee download....pop up dialog box "Open Torrent Failed"...Could not open 'AZU.......torrent'. It doesn't appear to be a .torrent file. in the box it is a web browser with search