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I can not associate Torrents with Magnets to Vuze in Windows 8. Windows 8 does associate Torrent Mangnets to Torrex Pro Trial version. Presently i must copy the Torrent shortcut to Vuze and download the Torrent that way. Does anyone have knowledge of a Fix?

Hmm, works for me fine in Internet Explorer (windows 8.1) - I click on a magnet link and IE prompts me with the option to pass the URI to Vuze.

You could try going to Tools->Options->Interface and click the 'reset associations' button at the bottom.
Thank you. I could not find Tools->Options->Interface and click the 'reset associations' button at the bottom. I did find under Tools >> Internet Options >> Programs >> Internet Programs the complete list of all associations. What type of extension is associated as a magnet?
I followed instructions and made a change to the registry. Clicking on the Magnet now brings up the association to Replay Media Catcher but Vuze is not available as an association choice. any ideas?