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Full Version: Not connecting to any peer while downloading ?
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So yesterday Vuze just stopped working all of a sudden. All the trackers connect and read OK, peers are available, torrents list as Downloading (seeding works just fine), but all incomplete downloads list as red, reading ""Measn that you are not connected to any peer while downloading".
Why is that happening ? I havent changed any settings whatsoever, and it all was working just fine the day before.

Is there any way I can run some diagnostics to help me figure out what is going on ?


I have opened a specific port for Vuze (even although this was never necessary before), TCP und UDP test return "OK", but I am still getting 90% red faces, and the green and yellow ones still have 0 Down Speed, even althoug there are peers available. For some of the torrents status has now changed to "Scrape Disabled".
Anyone any idea what is going on here ?
Are all of those torrents from the same torrent site?

The torrent site's tracker could be down.
(09-16-2015, 02:52 AM)'Yorishimo' Wrote: [ -> ]So yesterday Vuze just stopped working all of a sudden. All the trackers connect and read OK, peers are available, torrents list as Downloading (seeding works just fine), but all incomplete downloads list as red, reading ""Measn that you are not connected to any peer while downloading".
Why is that happening ? I havent changed any settings whatsoever, and it all was working just fine the day before.

Is there any way I can run some diagnostics to help me figure out what is going on ?


I have opened a specific port for Vuze (even although this was never necessary before), TCP und UDP test return "OK", but I am still getting 90% red faces, and the green and yellow ones still have 0 Down Speed, even althoug there are peers available. For some of the torrents status has now changed to "Scrape Disabled".
Anyone any idea what is going on here ?


I am also having the exact same problems like you described. I also noticed this problem a few days. None of my setting has changed. I haven't installed any software in weeks and haven't updated windows. Vuze and a few other torrent software I tried they all wouldn't connect to peer. I spent hours messing around with my routers and firewall settings, nothing fixed the problem.

Since you have the same problem, this is has to be the tracker issues. If so, I guess we just have to wait and see.
No you do not know that is has to be a problem with the tracker because the original poster never confirmed or denied if he was using multiple trackers.

What you are describing sitti could be traffic shaping which is done by your ISP.

first check here and locate your ISP.

then read this for suggestions on how to avoid your ISP's efforts (if necessary)

The words here and this are links ;-)

If that does not yield any results try a glasnost test to be 100% certain it is not your ISP:

Once we are sure it is not your ISP and you have confirmed or denied if there are multiple trackers involved we can go from there.
I came to this thread and went to many others with a similar problem.  There was a red circle next to my torrents, and when I hovered over it, it said that I wasn't connected to any peers even though there appeared to be many available.  

After a lot of searching online and clicking all over the Vuze screen, I noticed in the bottom right of my Vuze screen was a yellow caution triangle.  When I clicked on it, had the error message "Failed to establish listen on port UDP:6881."  I recommend that you check this part of your screen for any error messages.

For me, the fix was changing the ports to 49160.  I didn't know anything about ports, but I found the following website that has some very helpful information, including how to change ports:

I hope this post saves someone the hour I spent finding a solution.
Not having your ports forwarded correctly can cause this problem.  However, generally speaking it will not be the sole cause of the problem.

I could outline the specifics that need to happen for a lack of port forwarding causing your problem obrobb[orros] ;-)

but I will try to keep it simple.

If the only thing you changed was forwarding a port in the recommend range of roughly 50,000-60,000 (I can never remember the exact range without looking it up but the port you choose is in the right range) the problem was that your ISP was doing some kind of traffic shaping by blocking that default port.  By changing to a different port you evaded their efforts.

If you read my previous post you will likely see that your ISP is on the bad ISP list and that one of the suggested solutions will be to forward your port in the 50,000 - 60,000 range.

There is another set of circumstances that could cause the problem that is not ISP related but it is very complex.  The bottom line is that it involves a very small file (say in the roughly 100 MB and under range) being shared to a site where the vast majority of the users have their ports forwarded correctly and most users have very fast Internet connections.  If that sounds like it is a possibility to you obrobb post back and I can explain it to you if you are interested.  But it is a very rare problem . . . unless you are a member of some very difficult private, invite-only trackers.  If you are a member of such sites . . . it would be even rarer that you got onto a site like that without having your ports forwarded already . . . but having staffed a site like that in the past I can tell you it does happen!  LOL

The bottom line is that I am glad that solved your problem obrobb but simply forwarding your ports correctly is not a panacea for this problem.  Yes it is something which should be done by all torrenters . . . but that is not the same thing ;-)
so what's the solution to the issue in question?  Do we dick around with our ports or something else?