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Full Version: Issue binding to VPN resetting
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Hi. I have been using Vuze for many months. I have been binding to local IP address "eth7". After the recent Vuze update, my eht7 setting has been resetting to the default setting.  It does not reset on restarting of Vuze, it just happens spontanously while the program is running. This leaves my personal IP exposed if my VPN goes down. I have not changed any other settings. It must be due to the upgrade. Does anyone else have this problem?

UPDATE: I deleted the PIA plug in and it solved the problem. The PIA pluging kept resetting the IP to th default one.
(09-11-2015, 12:56 AM)'eventhorizon' Wrote: [ -> ]Hi. I have been using Vuze for many months. I have been binding to local IP address "eth7". After the recent Vuze update, my eht7 setting has been resetting to the default setting.  It does not reset on restarting of Vuze, it just happens spontanously while the program is running. This leaves my personal IP exposed if my VPN goes down. I have not changed any other settings. It must be due to the upgrade. Does anyone else have this problem?

UPDATE: I deleted the PIA plug in and it solved the problem. The PIA pluging kept resetting the IP to th default one.


I've been having the same problem.
I'll try deleting the PIA plugin and see what results I get.
Same issue.

I'll delete the PIA plugin and see what happens....