Hi, Is there currently a way to sort Subscriptions that have been created in Vuze via RSS? I have roughly 70 or so Subscipriptions that I've setup, however it's virtually impossible to find anything because they are all over the place. Is there a way to sort them (alphabetically would be preferable) and I just don't see it? Or can I request this feature if it isn't already included? Thanks!
Obviously not a great solution but you can click on the 'Subscriptions' sidebar entry itself to get a tabular view of your subscriptions on the right, which you can sort by the name column, and then hit the 'view' button to go to a particular subscription
(09-01-2015, 11:04 AM)'parg' Wrote: [ -> ]Obviously not a great solution but you can click on the 'Subscriptions' sidebar entry itself to get a tabular view of your subscriptions on the right, which you can sort by the name column, and then hit the 'view' button to go to a particular subscription
Thanks for the info, but I'm aware of this method already. I rarely use the tabular view though. Any ideas on if/when we'll be able to sort the Subscriptions on the sidebar itself? When I first started using Vuze several years ago this was auto sorted automatically, then a couple of years ago it was auto sorted automatically but went from Z-A, now it's just all over the place.