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Full Version: VuzeWiki: cannot create account
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First of all, I'm truly sorry if VuzeWiki issues shouldn't be posted here, I just couldn't find any other place or contact for it.

I've tried to do a very small edit on a page (UPnP troubleshooting), just to update some info to reflect newer Vuze versions. I was requested to identify myself, clicked on Create Account and after filling the few fields, I always got the "Incorrect Captcha" error. But there was no captcha! This was under Pale Moon v25.6.0 (x86).

So I went to Chrome and the page was okay, there was the Captcha. Filled it again, submitted and... just a blank page (with the URL containing a "returnto" to Main Page - but it didn't). Refreshed it, reloaded it, filled the form again with another info.

Thought it could just be some delay to get the activation message on my mailbox. Nothing until now. For comparison, I've registered here at the forums and got the mail almost instantly.

Does everybody have the same problem? Are new accounts blocked on wiki? I've checked the main page, but there was nothing about it.
