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Full Version: Worked great till it didn't
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I typically download the lated version as it recommends. I am using a mac. Everything was working smoothly and then the problems started. I started getting yellow faces then when in Europe and figured it was a connection problem. I returned home and I am able to download occasionally and now im getting redfaces. and these two messages:

Bind IPs not resolved: eth5
See Tools->Options->Connection->Advanced Network Settings

Failed to establish listen on port UDP:55804.
Check that other applications aren't already using this port.
Also check for another copy of Vuze running.

I have tried looking at different places for a cure but either the direction are not clear or my knowledge of macs and vuse are not good enough to understand them. Any help would be appreciated.
someone else reported this same error within the last 2 weeks or so.  Let me see if I can find the thread for you rather than repeat myself ;-)


Oh you already found that.

Did you try changing your port?  See the other thread for details how to do that.

I doubt that will help but it is a very simple thing to try.

here is a link to the thread so you do not have to go searching for it:
.: I am experiencing the same problems. I opened Vuze 20 minutes ago and now there a total of 44 users. There is also an error message:

Bind IPs not resolved: tun0
See Tools->Options->Connection->Advanced Network Settings

I've attached a screen shot of the Advanced Network Settings, in hopes that might help diagnose the problem.

Hoping someone can help, and thank you in advance for your help.
Your VPN (I assume) on interface tun0 isn't connected.

See if you don't have a VPN
(08-10-2015, 01:06 PM)'campacker' Wrote: [ -> ]I typically download the lated version as it recommends. I am using a mac. Everything was working smoothly and then the problems started. I started getting yellow faces then when in Europe and figured it was a connection problem. I returned home and I am able to download occasionally and now im getting redfaces. and these two messages:

Bind IPs not resolved: eth5
See Tools->Options->Connection->Advanced Network Settings

Failed to establish listen on port UDP:55804.
Check that other applications aren't already using this port.
Also check for another copy of Vuze running.

I have tried looking at different places for a cure but either the direction are not clear or my knowledge of macs and vuse are not good enough to understand them. Any help would be appreciated.


Same issue - I identified the problem - but not the fix exactly
The issue is they use a port - or connection for the download - which is already in use.
There occupied and not available.

Need to change. Look under preference.

System is lousy