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Full Version: Unlink share directory
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Hi there,

I tried to link a directory to share it on Vuze. Only problem is that I put "share directory and subdirectory" and now I have over 10 000 little files that are messing with Vuze. It can't stop freezing and causes error with Java table or smth.

I tried to remove the files from the folder, hoping it would solve the issue, but it didn't

How can I do to undo this directory linkage ? I am lost here, I tried a lot of different options and nothing seems to work :)

Help me community, you are my only hope

Close Vuze and delete 


in your Vuze configuration data folder
(07-31-2015, 08:59 AM)'parg' Wrote: [ -> ]Close Vuze and delete 


in your Vuze configuration data folder


Thank you so much !! It worked :))
