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Full Version: Deselected files downloads
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When ever I deselect the files I do not want download from a torrent it still passes those files and downloads them. How ever, it's not always all the files.  Some times it can figure out to not pick those I deselected, but it most certainly will still download one or two. Did check the settings, but there are nothing really indicating I did something wrong. But would appreciate any help that might say otherwise. Thank you.
Your answer can be found here:
yes the answer is in that link havokdan provided.

If you just want to jump to the part where your specific question is answered . . . check out:

Thank you for your response and I see now what is going on.
Good way to overcomplicate a simple function. Hope it's something they are considering to change for easier use.

Uhmm it has always worked this way in torrenting.  If you choose to selectively download files in the torrent you will also see any files which have overlapping blocks with the data you selected.

It has always worked that way.  It is the way the protocol was designed.

What the vuze developers did was to find a clever way around the limitation of protocol.  So I for one do not understand what you are complaining about.  The only way the developers complicated the process was to stop the issue you are complaining about.  They designed a solution.  Yes it is complicated . . . because there is not a simple solution.  The only other solution would be to completely re-write the protocol which Vuze developers do not have the authority to do.  LOL

Maybe you just noticed this problem.  But I can assure you that this problem has always existed.

Utorrent create a dat file in the download folder, create a folder for Bitcomet incomplete pieces, each program deals differently with these pieces mentioned in the article wiki
(09-22-2014, 02:05 AM)'Havokdan' Wrote: [ -> ]Utorrent create a dat file in the download folder, create a folder for Bitcomet incomplete pieces, each program deals differently with these pieces mentioned in the article wiki

This is a real issue to me. I've been an UTorrent user for many years and now I'm a new Vuze user. In UTorrent I always deselected the files I do not want to download. It's true that UTorrent creates the "dat file", but this is a minor issue considering that uTorrent really don't download the files that you deselect. Vuze does. I've read the wiki that you pointed at, but I still can't understand why Vuze still downloads the files no matter that you deselect them or not. This is annoying.