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Hi all you vuze uzers.
Have just downloaded vuze today,and it seems an awsome piece of kit.Have downloaded an old v mini series,this is the only one so far.When trying to play on Samsung smart TV i get the following error message"714:illegal MIME-type"The torrent had AVI Xvid then uploaders handle followed by zipx.Can any of you experts out there please reply in language suitable for dummies,as i am not all that techy.
Thank in advance.....Webbo
(07-07-2015, 06:52 AM)'webbo121247' Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all you vuze uzers.
Have just downloaded vuze today,and it seems an awsome piece of kit.Have downloaded an old v mini series,this is the only one so far.When trying to play on Samsung smart TV i get the following error message"714:illegal MIME-type"The torrent had AVI Xvid then uploaders handle followed by zipx.Can any of you experts out there please reply in language suitable for dummies,as i am not all that techy.
Thank in advance.....Webbo


OK, I'm going to assume that you know how to use a "Torrent Client" in this case "VUZE" and that you have actually downloaded the content that the "torrent"refers to.  The content is the TV show, "V" in your case, and the torrent is the file that VUZE uses to locate and download the content.  If you don't what I am referring to, it is likely that you haven't downloaded anything apart from the torrent.

I'm not overly familar with "Smart TV's", however, from what you have described as to the torrent details, the content (movie.TV show) was encoded with the XviD codec (coding/decoding algorithm) in an AVI container. This type of file should play on your smart TV with no problems, yet, there is an additional description to your file that is most likely THE actual problem and that is the "zipx" decription.  ZIPX, ZIP, RAR , ARJ, TAR 7-zip, CAB are just a few of a type of file that are generally knowns as "packed" or "zipped" files. 
This type of file is produced by taking any other file (such as your AVI download) and processing it, primarily in most cases to make the file smaller in size (compressing the file) so that it can be downloaded much quicker. What you need to do to render this file viewable on your smartTV is to unpack (often referred to unzip) the file which reverses the "packing" process (as the name implies).  There are quite a few programs (called applications in the computer world) that will perform both the pack and unpack process for you.  They are WinZip, WinRAR, 7-Zip, and many others. Most will handle the majority of the different types of packed (compressed, zipped, rarred) files.  So, if you don't have one of these applications installed on your computer, do a search and download and install one.  Some are free, some are trial (they stop working or limit functionality after the trial period expires until you buy a licence to use the app).
Allow me to recommend 7-Zip which is a free application and works as well as any you will pay for and is available from:

Most movie/TV show files that are packed, are split into many parts during the packing process and if this is the situation with your content, you will need to unpack all of the packed component parts in one process.  Once you have installed the 7-Zip application, navigate with your file browser, Windows explorer (not Internet Explorer) if you are using Windows, and then select all the packed parts that you have downloaded so that they appear highlited and then place your cursor on the highlited area and right click with your mouse.  This will cause the context menu to appear and then at the 7-zip listing in this menu, click "Extract Here" and all the packed parts will be extracted (unpacked, unzipped) in one process and automatically joined to form one large file. 

The resulting file should have a file extension of .avi (dot avi) and will appear similar to the following example:


As long as the last . (period or dot) has the letters avi after it, the file should play on your TV

good luck

(07-08-2015, 06:59 AM)'ekstasee' Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-07-2015, 06:52 AM)'webbo121247' Wrote: [ -> ]Hi all you vuze uzers.
Have just downloaded vuze today,and it seems an awsome piece of kit.Have downloaded an old v mini series,this is the only one so far.When trying to play on Samsung smart TV i get the following error message"714:illegal MIME-type"The torrent had AVI Xvid then uploaders handle followed by zipx.Can any of you experts out there please reply in language suitable for dummies,as i am not all that techy.
Thank in advance.....Webbo


OK, I'm going to assume that you know how to use a "Torrent Client" in this case "VUZE" and that you have actually downloaded the content that the "torrent"refers to.  The content is the TV show, "V" in your case, and the torrent is the file that VUZE uses to locate and download the content.  If you don't what I am referring to, it is likely that you haven't downloaded anything apart from the torrent.

I'm not overly familar with "Smart TV's", however, from what you have described as to the torrent details, the content (movie.TV show) was encoded with the XviD codec (coding/decoding algorithm) in an AVI container. This type of file should play on your smart TV with no problems, yet, there is an additional description to your file that is most likely THE actual problem and that is the "zipx" decription.  ZIPX, ZIP, RAR , ARJ, TAR 7-zip, CAB are just a few of a type of file that are generally knowns as "packed" or "zipped" files. 
This type of file is produced by taking any other file (such as your AVI download) and processing it, primarily in most cases to make the file smaller in size (compressing the file) so that it can be downloaded much quicker. What you need to do to render this file viewable on your smartTV is to unpack (often referred to unzip) the file which reverses the "packing" process (as the name implies).  There are quite a few programs (called applications in the computer world) that will perform both the pack and unpack process for you.  They are WinZip, WinRAR, 7-Zip, and many others. Most will handle the majority of the different types of packed (compressed, zipped, rarred) files.  So, if you don't have one of these applications installed on your computer, do a search and download and install one.  Some are free, some are trial (they stop working or limit functionality after the trial period expires until you buy a licence to use the app).
Allow me to recommend 7-Zip which is a free application and works as well as any you will pay for and is available from:

Most movie/TV show files that are packed, are split into many parts during the packing process and if this is the situation with your content, you will need to unpack all of the packed component parts in one process.  Once you have installed the 7-Zip application, navigate with your file browser, Windows explorer (not Internet Explorer) if you are using Windows, and then select all the packed parts that you have downloaded so that they appear highlited and then place your cursor on the highlited area and right click with your mouse.  This will cause the context menu to appear and then at the 7-zip listing in this menu, click "Extract Here" and all the packed parts will be extracted (unpacked, unzipped) in one process and automatically joined to form one large file. 

The resulting file should have a file extension of .avi (dot avi) and will appear similar to the following example:


As long as the last . (period or dot) has the letters avi after it, the file should play on your TV

good luck



Hi E 
Thanks for your excellent feedback,and for your time taken to try to help me out.I have managed to drag 3 separeate files into the media form or spreadsheet or whatever its called,there are 3 files as its an old mini series.All three files end with .avi as you pointed out,however in the status column i get an error message file not found

Regards webbo
'webbo121247' Wrote:  (this text taken from a second thread created by webbo)
Hi Eeverybody.
 Am new to vuze,and had an excellent reply from Eckstasse RE.a problem with "illegal mime type".Have got a bit further on and have managed to extract the .avi files.However i now have another problem,i have dragged the 3 .avi files into the media form or spreadsheet or whatever its called,but in the status column i get an error message "file not found"Could any replies please  be in words suitable for dummies.Thanking you in advance Regards webbo

Firstly, please understand that people who respond to your plea for help have to be able to determine your level of computer skill, so this requires you to be as explicit as possible when describing your skill level, your problem and the steps you have taken to attempt to find a solution.  Also inform people of what Operating System you are using. i.e. Windows, Mac OSX or Linux.

If a rescuer writes about some aspect of the pc, operating sytem, application or problem that you do not understand, do not be afraid to inform us. If English is not your first language, inform us of that also.  We all had to learn about computers, torrents and all the other programs that the computer and operator use to do their work! 

When you state that you have dragged the three .avi files, from where have you dragged them?  Was it from inside a WINDOW/SCREEN of you OS or was it from a WINDOW of another program?
To where were you dragging the files,  Was it the main torrent window of Vuze or a WIndow in its media player?  We can't SEE what you are talking about. you need to be more descriptive.

I think you may be trying to use Vuze to play these files and if so, I probably can't help. I do not use the inbuilt Vuze player and I only use the older "Classic" interface when I use Vuze, so if this is the situation then I am sorry that I'll be of little use.  I am very conversant with torrent downloading and the use of the torrent client (application, program whatever you want to call it) within VUZE,  but do not have the time to look into the media-player side of VUZE.  MY torrent-client is downloading 24 hours a day and I don't want to switch it back to the Vuze interface just so I can get a handle on what you might be talking about.
Allow me to suggest that you try to play those .avi files with the media player that probably came with your Operating System.  If you are using Windows, that would be Windows Media Player or Windows Media Center.  IF the Vuze player is the only media player you have on your computer, then it seems to me that you are doing something wrong with using that player. 
Since extracting those .zipx files and getting your .avi files, have you tried playing the .avi (AVI) files on your smart TV. 
What type of media are you using for the Smart TV?   Are you using a copying the files to a USB memory stick ( Also Known AS a "flash drive", "thumb drive") or a portable HDD that is plugged into your TV via a USB cable?   Are you trying to connect a laptop to your TV?

The more thorough and precise you are with your information/answers, the better people will be able to help you.
I'm off to get some sleep. I will check-in later!