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Full Version: Vuze Install Error!
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Hi, Been trying to re-install Vuze, But get this error Unable to download to 
c:/users/user/Appdata/Local/Temp/Vuzeinstall (sendrequest error) click ok to abort.

Also with trying to update Java - Java cannot continue with the current internet connection settings of your system. In your Windows 
control panel, please check internet options > connections to make sure the settings and proxy information are correct,

I have tried everything, I don't have any proxy or any Firewall on my pc including Windows Firefall so their is nothing to change in Internet settings.
I went to the Local/temp Folder and checked permissions which are all normal.
This only started happening after i did a Scan via Mallwarebytes (Which is now uninstalled)

So I'm now out of ideas. Help ASAP thanks.
Any help appreciated.
Well I can not help with your problem.  I have no clue.

Also the Vuze staff are generally not around on the weekend so you might have to wait until Monday or Tuesday before one of the real experts reads this and can help you out!

Good Luck!