09-18-2014, 12:08 PM
magnet links do not work with rss feed scanner although looking at the changelog they are supposed to.
test-site: http://showrss.info/feeds/all.rss
when a match occures it tries to download from the magnet link but if a tracker host is down it will end with: Error - Unknown Host 'fr33dom.h33t.com'
if i remove all invalid trackers from the rss and it is matched it gives: Error - Failed: Connection timed out: connect
but if i manually right click and choose "open link url" it works in both cases.
test-site: http://showrss.info/feeds/all.rss
when a match occures it tries to download from the magnet link but if a tracker host is down it will end with: Error - Unknown Host 'fr33dom.h33t.com'
if i remove all invalid trackers from the rss and it is matched it gives: Error - Failed: Connection timed out: connect
but if i manually right click and choose "open link url" it works in both cases.