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Full Version: Seeding Rank of Peers:Seed OK Won't Seed
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I am trying to get as many seeds as possible to be Active since the Private tracker that I am using gives bonus credit for more seeds.

I have my Max Active set to 304 and Max Downloads to 4 so I would expect that I would get all of torrents seeding up to a maximum of 300.

The Seeding Rank is showing "Peers:Seed OK" and I am not sure what this means, but none of the torrents with this Rank are seeding. They all have a "Scrape OK" and are Queued". Some of them have an excellent Seed to Peer ratio, so I would expect them to Rank very high.

Can anyone help me get past this?

Java 1.8.0_40
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 8 v6.2, amd64
V5.6.0.0/4 az3