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Full Version: Slow 5601_b07
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since b04 i noticed that UI refresh and startup seems sluggish...
time to desplay torrents in main view after start is considerble (even thought Vuze have crashed)
checked and Vuze process hog ~30% cpu all the time, even in the background.

last version that feels smooth is b03 (tested b04, b05 & b07)
nothing else have changed between my test of above versions

Java 1.8.0_40
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4510, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, x86
V5.6.0.1_B07/4 az2
classic UI


Can you grab a (Help menu, last option) while it is doing its 30% CPU thing and send over to

(renemed from 7z to zip)

Thanks, hopefully the next beta will fix your problems

b09 behave like normal (low cpu % utils and quick UI)
tested for 20 min with avarage 6.6% cpu usage when active window and 4,7% as hidden


Great - thanks for keeping us informed!