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Full Version: Video screen black
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I downloaded a video on vuze for my android and when I try to play the video the sound is playing but the screen is just black   Is there anything I am doing wrong or not doing I would like to watch the video I downloaded so any help would be appreciated
(03-19-2015, 04:38 PM)'Blue' Wrote: [ -> ]I downloaded a video on vuze for my android and when I try to play the video the sound is playing but the screen is just black   Is there anything I am doing wrong or not doing I would like to watch the video I downloaded so any help would be appreciated

What sort of video are you want to open, mkv, mp4, avi...?? I think that you don't have an issue with Vuze but with video codec. Try to download BS Player or VideoLAN player. They both have required video codecs for playing your video. 
If that doesn't help,  maybe you downloaded a fake video file which is actually a virus.