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Full Version: Can I Send Message With Vuze ?
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Hello !
     I only want to know if it's possible to send a message by the azureus client to an other source or client of a torrent ? (It's because i've a huge torrent stuck at 96% and there is only one source that didn't seed anything ... :( we're 12 clients ^^) or something to contact him with is IP Adress maybe ? Thanks for reading !
(02-09-2015, 06:33 PM)'RomiCoupz' Wrote: [ -> ]Hello !
     I only want to know if it's possible to send a message by the azureus client to an other source or client of a torrent ? (It's because i've a huge torrent stuck at 96% and there is only one source that didn't seed anything ... :( we're 12 clients ^^) or something to contact him with is IP Adress maybe ? Thanks for reading !


I think the best you can do is search the torrent hash in google and put a comments on any well known torrent sites that have comment section for that torrent as for someone to seed it. Perhaps someone will see it and help.
The next release will allow you to send a message to any other Vuze users on any particular torrent