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Love the new "New Library/My Torrents right click menu". Nice work!
It's got some glitches though. It doesn't always disappear if I just click away from it.
(02-04-2015, 07:21 AM)'tseaxR' Wrote: [ -> ]Love the new "New Library/My Torrents right click menu". Nice work!


Thanks!  It's still a work in progress, so any funky things you see about it, let us know!  Or if you have better organizational suggestions.  I'm not convinced "Control" and "Content" are the best menu categories, but so far they are the best I could think of.  I'm font of the "Organize" and "Social" groupings, so those will probably stay for the release.

(02-04-2015, 05:10 PM)'kdean' Wrote: [ -> ]It's got some glitches though. It doesn't always disappear if I just click away from it.


I've seen this too.  If you track down a consistent way to not make it disappear, let me know. 

I use the Classic GUI in case it has any bearing on the issues.

So, if I right-click to open the menu, and then click to change the Download or Upload Speed Limits, whether I change it or not, then clicking off the menu doesn't cause it to disappear. Even opening a detail tab or preferences leaves it floating on the screen until I click on the Control / Content / Organize / Social menubar.
Enable IP Filter doesn't seem to be indicating it's current state like before.