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Full Version: Vuze has suddenly stopped recognizing my harddrive
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suddenly when opening torrent files, vuze gives error saying that the default save point isn't valid..and when i try to reset the location in preferences and i browse to the point, it reads it, HOWEVER, i notice that the path name is NOT accruate....instead of 'Necronomicon' for example it now calls it 'Necronomicon 2' which IS an invalid drive because it doesn't exist.  my mac and everything else still successfully connects with the drive 'Necronomicon' and as i said i can still browse to it with Vuze, but for some reason it reads it now as Necronomicon 2 and when i try to manually edit the path name, it then says the path is invalid as if the drive isn't named that...but again.. IT proven by every other piece of software on my sytem that utilizes it on a regular basis...which all read it as Necronomicon....i have no clue what to do...any help?  lay person here btw, especially newbie to this forum so treat like i know nothing...step by steps and direct links etc are always very appreciated, thanks!