(07-05-2017, 05:52 PM)'galleherjazz' Wrote: [ -> ]Now, having established that the "NO" sign indicates, most likely of the possibilities you list, that the site does not have the film I am searching for,
Ooh, sorry... no, I'm afraid that's one thing you
can't infer from the failure result, at least with any certainty. If Vuze was successfully making the search request to the site, and it simply returned no results, that wouldn't be a template failure condition. Vuze would show the template as funtional (green check-mark) and simply pass along the message that there were "No Results".
No, the failure means that Vuze isn't communicating with the site one way or the other, either the request it's making is not accepted or the response from the site is not understood. They may or may not have what you're searching for, but Vuze doesn't understand how to talk to the site to find out. Any information about what's available on that site would have to be obtained by visiting it in a browser and performing a search "by hand".
Quote:my next question is:
Is there a definitive site where I can download the most up-to-date templates for sites?
Not to my knowledge. And since Vuze can't legally provide or facilitate the acquisition of any templates for sites which host any illegal content, there won't ever be — not any
official one, anyway. If there are any
un-official ones, I don't know about them. But then, I've never really looked.
Quote:For instance, I tested my search by LALALALALALALALAAAAAAA, but in Vuze, I get the "NO" sign, indicating that the template is not working adequately. Or...is there a way to create a template from a torrent website?
kind of is, maybe sorta. I experimented with the process once myself, sort of as an exercise. It didn't go well.
Vuze's template system is... unique to the Vuze software, extremely complex, and not written with anything remotely like enduser management in mind. What information there is on the search template system is found in
the "FAQ Meta Search" article in the Vuze Wiki. but in my personal experience there's not much there that actually helps any. The next step would be to read the actual Java code for Vuze's meta search, in the hopes of perhaps gleaning a bit better understanding of how the templates are used by the software. I have absolutely no plans to do so.
Quote:Please don't abandon me now...you are the best resource I have found on all things Vuze! :)
Sorry... I'd help more if I could, but the fact is that I've really never
used Vuze's search — heck, I still run Vuze in the "classic interface" that doesn't include meta search. Everything I know about it is from reading the forums and/or wiki, plus the couple of times I ran Vuze in new-interface mode to get a feel for it and (as I mentioned) experiment a bit with the template system... purely out of curiosity. But I have no need of or interest in the built-in search, for my own personal activities.
All of my torrents come from search/browse pages on tracker websites, or (ideally) automatically over the sites' corresponding RSS feeds. Unlike Vuze's meta search system, RSS is a well-defined and universally supported mechanism for programmatically retrieving data from remote sites. The only difference is, it flows in the other direction, with the parameters of the feed being defined at the source before exporting them to the receiver. In practice that works better, because that way the sites can worry about (or constantly tweak) the format and contents of their site, and nothing breaks because the only thing Vuze needs to understand is how to read the RSS it generates.