03-22-2017, 03:16 PM
I found out what's the problem. But not how to fix it. For unknown reasons, the tracker doesn't let me know in live about new peers, leechers, seeders etc. I need to manually update the tracker to get those informations. That's why I don't upload anything, my client doesn't even know there're new leechers. Any solution ?
I've downloaded Vuze few days ago. It's incredible how fast I download and upload with it, in comparison to utorrent/bittorent etc.
But I've a problem, I created a torrent, started the seeding. And first problem, it's not seeding. Tho the tracker is displaying "OK", there are absolutely no error message anywhere. I decide to actualize the Tracker, and pouf it works, upload at 16MB/s, perfect. I watch a series, when it's over I check back Vuze, and same error. It's not uploading(Seeding), tho there are no error message. I uploaded only 1000Mb, when the torrent(800Mb) I made was downloaded over 100 Times. So I thought it was the same problem, I actualized the tracker and it started back to upload(seed).
It's a big problem, cause I do not know every how much time the torrents stop uploading for no reasons(It doesn't show any error message). And I cannot get back every minutes to check and/or to actualize the tracker..
Thanks for help !
PS: When I say it's not seeding, in the state it's "Seeding", just so you know
I found out what's the problem. But not how to fix it. For unknown reasons, the tracker doesn't let me know in live about new peers, leechers, seeders etc. I need to manually update the tracker to get those informations. That's why I don't upload anything, my client doesn't even know there're new leechers. Any solution ?
I've downloaded Vuze few days ago. It's incredible how fast I download and upload with it, in comparison to utorrent/bittorent etc.
But I've a problem, I created a torrent, started the seeding. And first problem, it's not seeding. Tho the tracker is displaying "OK", there are absolutely no error message anywhere. I decide to actualize the Tracker, and pouf it works, upload at 16MB/s, perfect. I watch a series, when it's over I check back Vuze, and same error. It's not uploading(Seeding), tho there are no error message. I uploaded only 1000Mb, when the torrent(800Mb) I made was downloaded over 100 Times. So I thought it was the same problem, I actualized the tracker and it started back to upload(seed).
It's a big problem, cause I do not know every how much time the torrents stop uploading for no reasons(It doesn't show any error message). And I cannot get back every minutes to check and/or to actualize the tracker..
Thanks for help !
PS: When I say it's not seeding, in the state it's "Seeding", just so you know