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Full Version: Android App IP Binding?
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I am very familiar now with the desktop Vuze client where I rely on IP binding - great feature.  I just installed the Vuze app on my Samsung Tab S2 running Android.  I want to again ensure IP binding but cannot find that feature.  Is there one?
If not, is there an app to bind the IP or another approach to effect the same purpose?

    Operating System and version (examples: MacOS X 10.4.7 or WinXP SP2)  Android 6.0.1
    The text from the 'System' area on the 'About' page (Help -> About or Vuze -> About) Vuze 2.1
    Antivirus software + version.   Avast Mobile Security 5.9.2
    Firewall software + version. D-LINK 815 ROUTER.
    Internet Service Provider and following information (if problem seems to be with connections)
    Using a Router and/or modem with Network Address Translation? Answers: Yes, No, Unknown
        If 'Yes' above, have you forwarded a port for Azureus? (See AzWiki - NAT Problem
        If 'Unknown' or 'Yes,' give us thd models for your router and/or modem.
    Using a Wireless Connection? Answers: Yes, No  YES.
        If yes above, have you tried a wired connection instead?
            Wireless connections with Vuze are known to cause problems when the connection drops
    Do the Health status on your torrents have Green smilies? Answers: Red, Yellow, Grey, Mixed
    Post anything you've already tried to fix the problem.  Searched Web and Vuze.