Overall, the new subscription view crams a lot of info into a small space. I find that helpful, although a little unsettling just because it is different and I need to get used to it. That is the pro. the con? It crams a lot of information into a small space :). Perhaps it might be found more adaptable if there was an option to increase the height of the rows in the view? I have not found that option via the options search
I'll add an option under Tools->Options->Interface->Tables: Subscriptions and Search
Probably increase the default a bit too - thanks!
Would it be possible to have an option to revert back to the old search/filter options? i quite like the view but i miss the old way of filtering/searching and i can't seem to make either heads or tails of RegEx.
Would adding in the
with keywords
but not with keywords
make you happy? I'd prefer to migrate to the new view as it doesn't rely on embedding a web-browser in Vuze to show it
(12-15-2016, 02:38 PM)'parg' Wrote: [ -> ]Would adding in the
with keywords
but not with keywords
make you happy? I'd prefer to migrate to the new view as it doesn't rely on embedding a web-browser in Vuze to show it
Well for me i'd like to be able to type in the words to include or exclude in two separate fields so i don't have to think about writing the correct search syntax. As i said i like the view, it's the lack of an easy to use serach/filter function that bothers me. If id like to filter out/search for entries contaning 1080p and 2016 but not XXX for instance it was much easier when i had two fields one for what to include and one for what to exclude, it seems to be more intuitive that way.
So yes [img=53x20]regular_smile.gif