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Full Version: After installing macOS Sierra - barely any users online
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Strange thing happening. Vuze used to work fine, and even with a VPN (Private Internet Access) on El Capitan, I would always see about 400K users online when I connect.

Well, now, after installing macOS Sierra, I see anything between 2 and 40 users online (yes, only!). Needless to say, can't upload or download really. Wondered whether it has to do with a version of Java, or what else might be a problem here?

(10-02-2016, 10:37 AM)'FlyingB' Wrote: [ -> ]after installing macOS Sierra, I see anything between 2 and 40 users online (yes, only!). Needless to say, can't upload or download really.


Same problem here, vuze 2.7.2 configured with up/down limits because of the known issue for 2.7.1, configured for binding only to vpn interface, everything worked fine until Sierra upgrade. Since then, I get no connections at all. Transmission works fine, so it's not the VPN or the OS proper, something about Vuze under Sierra isn't working as it did.
Maybe your bind interface changed -> status bar, right-click on Routing icon and select 'clear binding'
(10-08-2016, 07:27 PM)'parg' Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe your bind interface changed -> status bar, right-click on Routing icon and select 'clear binding'


Hey, thanks for the super helpful reply. The binding interface did change, so changing to the new interface made everything work as before :)

I am a little puzzled because it was binding to utun0, and that device still exists when the vpn is up and shows up pointtopoint running multicast, but for whatever reason now using utun1  (which shows the same flags) is what works. I actually had checked to make sure utun0 was still there and up, but it looked fine by ifconfig.

Anyway, thanks again, hope this helps someone else :)