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Full Version: VPN Automaticelly Shutting Down. Help...
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Hello, I've been using Vuze for a while now and never ahd any problems.  As of late I purchased a subsription through PIA for a VPN.  It works excellently, however

when I am away from my computer, lets say over night and I leave everything up i.e. Vuze> seeding > downloading > VPN open active, when I come back to the

computer the VPN is off.  This is not frequent, maybe only happened three times over the six months I have had the VPN.

I contaced PIA and they said,,

" The issues that you're experiencing is likely caused by a setting in the torrent client. In your torrent client software, please look for a setting called "Enable Bandwidth Management [uTP]" and ensure that it is disabled/unchecked. Depending on the torrent client you're using, it may also be listed as "Automatically manage bandwidth" or "Enable Micro Transport Protocol uTP."
Once the setting is disabled, close out of the torrent client, reconnect the VPN, then try starting a torrent download."

I can not find this setting.  Is this the cause of my VPN to be shutting down while there is communication going on? or not going on? It should stay on always. I

would like for it to stay on always. It is suppose to be an excellent tear of protection and with it turning off randomly defeats the purpose and it is a waste of money.

However, if it is Vuze and this setting turning it off then I need to set Vuze to not do that.

I am using the latest version of Vuze.  I tried already to reseat all setting back to default in case that was my issue, but it did not help. Last night it turned off again.
I am using Windows 10 with Chrome and the latest version of Vuze.

Thank you.

Best regards,
If the VPN is disconnecting then it sounds like an error in your VPN connection, not anything that might be using it. Is there an 'auto-reconnect' option in your VPN settings that you can enable?
(09-22-2016, 11:04 AM)'parg' Wrote: [ -> ]If the VPN is disconnecting then it sounds like an error in your VPN connection, not anything that might be using it. Is there an 'auto-reconnect' option in your VPN settings that you can enable?

I don't know. I'll have to check.  I read somewhere that I can set it or Vuze to only transmit through the VPN and if the VPN turnes off then so will the communication.  Would you know how to do that? Unforutnitly I have contacted PIA a couple times and they answer with "this is out of their realm and due to the fact that there are so many torrent clients they wouldn't be able to keep up with where these settings are that they mentioned. So there is no help there.  If I can't figure this out.  What VPN company do you know of that has good support and works seemlessly?

Thank you for your help.