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Full Version: Checking v. Seeding & Checking
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When a torrent finishes, it moves to the completed section and goes through a checking phase with the status of "Seeding & Checking".  

What I have seen is that the "checking" in this scenario takes FAR LONGER than if you decide to just perform a "checking".  Note that I have seen this speed difference ALWAYS and NOT ALWAYS is there any seeding going on.  (If there was seeding and a high bandwidth I would agree that the system is doing two things and thus it would take longer to do perform both simulateously; but in many cases I may d/l from a single seeder and no one else is d/l so it shows "seeding & checking" with zero upload bandwidth).

I am looking for a material difference in both processes.  I believe firmly it is safe to STOP and RE-CHECK and if it rechecks with 100% status, all is fine.  But there must be a reason why the two scenarios are wildly different in performance.
