Open Development
- handshake_failure SSL error (5 Replies)
- Vuze sends port=0 to trackers when both IPv4 and IPv6 tracker/announce exists (0 Replies)
- Vuze 5.7.10 crashes on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (3 Replies)
- Archiving N torrent create N*N entries (0 Replies)
- Torrents will not stop on command bug (2 Replies)
- RIP Vuze! (30 Replies)
- Auto Shutdown Vuze after DL complete - Defunct in (0 Replies)
- V5.7.5.1 B10_Bugs & features (2 Replies)
- Search Templates Please !? (1 Reply)
- Right-click a torrent menu bug (0 Replies)
- Bug: Organize | Rename --- does not work if only changes are capitalization (0 Replies)
- Cannot access add/edit templates in search results (4 Replies)
- RSSfeed Scanner - Age column (0 Replies)
- [Bug] Min simultaneous downloads (3 Replies)
- Authenticating to HTTP proxy does not work (9 Replies)
- can't view old downloads after being locked out (1 Reply)
- Tiny Irritation With RSSfeed Scanner Plug-in (10 Replies)
- RSSfeed Scanner Plug-in stopped working (0 Replies)
- Beta 15 OK, B16 no subscription update (4 Replies)
- Beta versions will not download. (7 Replies)