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zip files...Aaaarggh.....
Please if anyone can help me, I would be very grateful. I am not the most computer literate person on the planet and this question is probably so daft to be unbelievable, but still in spite of that there may be someone out there who can remedy my problem.

Why is it that when ever I now download almost anything in Vuze, then go to retrieve it and open it, I am confronted with a long list of zip files that seemingly will do nothing when I try to open them. This never used to happen, but now happens all of the time. Now there seems to be little point in downloading anything in Vuze as everything is in this zip file format which I can never open or do anything with.

Usually when I click on any of these files they will turn into a blue file, which then if I click on those will turn into yet another file, but none of these will open into the actual apps etc that I am trying to get my hands on. Also sometimes I will get a window pop up stating "There is no application set to open this document" below which is an option "Choose app" or "Search app store"  none of which is of any help to me at all. Is there a secret as to how to open these files that I know nothing about?

Like I said, I am by no means the most computer literate person around.

Any help and advice will be very welcome.

Many thanks indeed.
Well it sounds like you have a few different issues going on.

Zip files themselves are pretty rare in torrents but .rar files are still somewhat common.  So is the extension (the text after the period at the end of the file name) of the file(s) in question actually ".zip" or is it ".rar" or what?

Depending upon the site(s) you are using to get the .torrent files or magnet links or whatever zip/rar files can be:
1) required
2) often present
3) sometimes present
4) rarely present
5) specifically not permitted

It just depends on the site in question and the specific content.  So my best guess is that you are using public sites (which often are just indexes of other sites) and the content you are now interested in are often zipped/rared up and/or all of that content comes from a site which requires zips/rar's.  So all of a sudden you are seeing a lot more rared/zipped content than in the past.

Next you need to get an application which unzips/unrar's zipped/rared files.  You do not state if you are a windows or Mac or Unix user.  I know Mac (at least through the terminal) has the ability to unzip files without downloading a new app . . . likewise with Unix.  Windows . . . I have no idea . . . it has been many years since I have used windows and I just do not know.  Usually you will have to download a specific application to unrar on all operating systems (other than a few variations of Unix).

Honestly it has been so long since I have actually been required to unzip or unrar a torrent that I am not sure what I even use anymore on my Mac . . . but I can figure it out for you.  Just let us know which OS you are using and I or someone else can suggest some applications for you.  I think you are a mac user (since you mentioned the app store) but I am not certain . . . so clear that up and we can go from there.



Hi Gary

Many thanks for replying to me. I am specifically dealing with the mac torrents site ((not sure I should be mentioning that)) but in for a penny in for a pound.

and yes, you are correct. I am an iMac user.

This has only recently started happening. For years I have been downloading stuff from there with no problems at all. I suppose it's just been within the last couple of months or so that this has started to happen.

Not sure that without guidence I could convert in Terminal. Don't get me wrong, I do a lot of stuff on a mac, especially graphics stuff. But when it comes to sorting out file formats and exactly how they work, it sometimes leaves me cold.

Hope that helps some. If I can offer any other relevant info, then please specifically let me know.

Many thanks indeed.

First off you are welcome!

Zips on mac sites are pretty rare in my experience.  But that hardly matters.

To unzip from the terminal you only need to know about 4 commands.

unzip (unzips a traditional zip archive denoted by .zip)
gunzip (unzips a gziped archive denoted by .gz)
cd (change directory)
ls (list directory contents)

open the terminal (MacintoshHD/Applications/Utilities/Terminal)

Let us say for example that you download your torrents to your desktop

cd ~/Desktop   [the ~ is unix shorthand for your home directory so it is equivalent to /Users/YOURNAMEHERE/ )
find the name of the .zip file

That is it

Now the only tricky part in all of this is what happens when there is a space in a file name.

Let us say that the file name is "my zipped"

Well in unix space is a special character and you need to delimit it.  The delimiter is '\'

so with that file name you would type it out like this:

unzip my\ zipped\

If the file ends with .gz or .gzip you would use
gunzip instead of unzip . . . so that would be

gunzip filename.gz

That is pretty much it.

Do not be intimidated by the terminal it is pretty simple stuff.

There are some shortcuts you can use too.  If your terminal has not been mucked around with you can use auto-completion.  Auto-completion is what is sounds like.  You press tab when you have started to type in the file name . . . and if the file name completes if it is unique and or completes until which point it is unique.  That makes it sound much more complicated than it is; so, let me give you an example.  Let us say you have the following files on your Desktop:


so when you type in
ls lis[tab]
 that will change to:
ls list
and you will hear a beep
at this point you can hit tab again and you will see all of the files which start with "list"

ls list[tab][tab]
list01  list02  list10  
computernameobscured username$ ls list

so then you can type in 1[tab] to get the rest of the file name or just type in 01 or 02 or 10

To continue the example if you were to type in

ls liba[tab] the filename would just complete

This Auto-completion feature is quite usefull with long filenames with spaces in them because the spaces will automatically get delimited with the '\' character saving you even more typing.

If you want a gui/Os X native program . . . ask in the forums at the site in question . . . I am sure they will be able to provide you with a link to a good program . . . but for unzipping . . . I personally just do it in the terminal.

Good luck!

Hi Gary.

Many thanks for your kind help. But I'm afraid that with the best will in the world I am still having trouble here. Even my wife came up to help me. We were a bit confused, but still tried just about every combination of what we thought you meant for ages to get this to work, but no luck at all.

The main puzzle really is exactly why all my downloads have suddenly started to do this anyway... I was torrenting quite happily and successfully for a long time before this, when it just started to happen for no reason. Everything that I now download seems to be in this zip file format that I can do absolutely nothing with. The only thing that I can apparently download with any success are movies. I even thought that it maybe just a vuze thing, but when I downladed another torrent client and did some downloads, the exact same thing happened. It's as if something within my computer has gone twang and it now will only recognise zip downloads...Weird. I've also download izip for mac and other such programes, but can't seem to get any to recognise the format and open them up.

Anyway, many thanks again.

Hi Gary.

Just in case I've described it incorrectly. Another piece of info may help you help me. Most of these downloads consist of multiple zip files, but the first file is always one labeled core.nfo, the zip files are then all in between labeled,,, etc etc etc however many, before the end file is labeled file_id.diz. But like I say, I can't seem to do anything with any of them.

Many Thanks again.
Well I will start with your first post [since my last response].  You have not given me much to go on.  You gave me no direct examples of what you could or could not get to work so there is little help I can give.  I think I said the following earlier I think you have just started downloading torrents which are zipped.  I have never heard of a bug or virus or whatever that magically makes your torrent files appear zipped when they are not.

Most torrent sites have the ability to look at a file list before you download the torrent.  Take a look at that list.  If the filenames in that list are the same on the site as they are on your computer then you can eliminate the possibility of something weired happening with the files as you are downloading them.  I will add that I am about 99.9999% sure that you will find that the file list on your computer will match the list of torrent files on the site where you are downloading the .torrent file.  I have seen directly or indirectly a lot of weird problems in torrenting . . . I have never seen anything where the file lists do not match . . . unless the downloading user has purpously renamed them.  Simply judging from the questions you are asking . . . I do not get the impression that you even know how to do that . . . so I am pretty confident that the files names you are seeing are the same as the original uploader intended.

If you really want . . . you can PM me a link to the torrent on the torrent site where you are downloading these torrents and as long as I do not need an invite to get on the site in question I can check it out for you . . . but again I think the odds are overwhelmingly leaning towards that there is nothing happening with your torrent client magically changing file names.

Ok moving on to your next post.  A .nfo file is a simple text file.  It could have information about the torrent itself or information about the group of users who released the torrent or something like that.  In some cases there will be information in the .nfo file which describes how to use/un-archive/unpack the files of the torrent but strictly speaking that is not what a .nfo file is for.  file_id.diz is a plain text file containing a brief content description of the archive in which it is included.  Honestly I have not seen them in a long long time.  They were mainly used back in the BBS days (for me anyhow that was over 20 years ago LOL) they are also used in warez (aka "The Scene") for reasons I have never fully understood.  If you want more information about it check out .

I am just trying to give you some information about what you are seeing and why you are seeing it here.  If this and the following paragraph makes your eyes glaze over . . . just ignore it LOL

What you are describing with multiple zip files with sequential names is something I have not seen in many years either.  Usually when you are getting a "scene" release there are specific rules as to how the data must be formatted it is typical that they are broken into a different type of archive with sequential names.  I can never recall seeing sequential zip files like you are describing in torrenting.  The only places I have seen them is when (again about 20 years ago) I used to download a lot of video and or picture content from usenet newsgroups.  The whole "the scene" thing is pretty complicated and confusing to a relatively new file sharer.  You can go to wiki and read up on warez a.k.a "the scene" but the jist of it is . . . it is a method of file sharing.  There are very sepcific rules for "the scene" one of those rules is to included a .nfo file as part of a release (you can think of a release as analogous to a torrent) another one of those rules is that when you are releasing compressed data (meaning zipped data) that you should include a file_id.diz with the release.  However, to the best of my knowledge zip files have been frowned upon for about a decade in "the scene" so what you are seeing is a little weird in that respect.  In general the scene prefers using an archive system called pararchives.  But I guess there could still be a few old fashioned release groups who use zip instead . . . but like I said I have personally not seen that in about 8 - 10 years. 

I honestly think that you should check with the torrent site where you are downloading these torrents for more information.  Or depending upon the torrent site you may want to just ask in the comments section of the particular torrent a question like "I can not unzip these files on my Mac.  Can someone tell me how to unarchive the data from this torrent?".

Not to put too fine of a point on this . . . but you are asking for pretty specific advice about specific torrent data on a forum which is intended for specific advice on a particular torrent client.  Those two things are not exactly compatible LOL.

Personally, I do not mind trying to help.  But without seeing the exact torrents in question it is very hard to give you specific advice.  So as I said if you want to PM me a link to the torrent site in question . . . I can see if I can download it and use the data and let you know what I can find . . . but short of that you are probably going to have to ask for help on the torrent site in question and or ask in the comments section of the torrent in question.


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