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sorting visual inconsistency
in the library or any other tab panel, sorting a column dislpay triangle for sorting smallest number at top and largest number at the bottom. sorting a column dislpay upside down triangle for sorting largest number at top and smallest number at the bottom

in new torrent popup window it's the exact opposite. sorting a column dislpay upside down triangle for sorting smallest number at top and largest number at the bottom. sorting a column dislpay triangle for sorting largest number at top and smallest number at the bottom
It is only the # column with the inconsistency I think?
2) When multiple files are selected,
-> Files -> Priority Sort not working properly.

This is mainly with "Low files" which is not grouping together.

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  Little visual glich Havokdan 2 4,935 02-23-2016, 03:29 AM
Last Post: Havokdan

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