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new killer e2200 drivers fixed my dl issues
title says it all, really. bought new computer, mobo has killer e2200 network card. torrents started with green smilies and initial speed was good, but after a minute or less would drop to under 5kbs and stay there, trackers wouldn't connect (or whatever - various states/errors: 'no data received', 'dht backup', uh 'udp probe'), smilies would turn yellow or blue, regardless of settings. i thought mebbe it was vuze (since stuff like steam and normal downloads worked fine) and was about to try another prog, but i happened to still have the network card website open and noticed they'd released new drivers like 2 days after i installed the last ones. didn't think it would work but lo and behold from 20 - 30kbs across any number of torrents to max speed, from unable to surf and torrent to writing this while powering through whatever crap i'm dling atm. so if you have an e2200 network dealy go get the new drivers from (btw its based on a qualcomm Athero AR8161 NIC so if you have one those might also be worth checking for a driver update)


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