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crash & restart
I am becoming quite annoyed.

I have been using Vuze for years without any major incidents, but for some time now it tends to crash the system. Not a BSOD, mind you, but a direct reset&restart. There is no problem restarting Vuze after getting back to the point where everything is how it was before crashing, and it will go merrily on as if nothing had happened.

System is Windows XP SP3, Vuze is at Applications running when crashes occur are mixed, even sometimes with nothing else (beyond a lot of Services in the background, which are basically doing nothing at the time).Time is also very variable: sometimes it happens soon after starting, sometimes it can run for hours; sometimes there is no additional activity, sometimes if happens right after coming back from the standard Windows screen saver.

I would greatly appreciate any help in trying to figure this thing out.

Is there a Log somewhere that could point out the cause or at least give a hint what's causing this?
The 'restart' part is now eliminated with a proper Windows setting. The 'crash' part is still there, thouigh.  Every time Vuze is running I get theses very annoying BSODs, with varying addresses, mostly 0x0A. Sometimes Vuze runs for hours, sometimes it takes only a little while, but crash it will.

I had hoped that updating Vuze would cure or at least make it better, but it's still the same with

My original question, is there some kind of a log somewhere that that could shed some light on this? Does Vuze keep a record of the problems it finds along the way?  I could understand hitting a problem and shutting down, but crashing the whole system?
BSODs are often down to bugs in your network card drivers rather than Vuze itself - check that these are up-to-date? Given that you are on XP though it is unlikely they're being actively maintained :(
(03-15-2016, 12:32 PM)'parg' Wrote: BSODs are often down to bugs in your network card drivers rather than Vuze itself - check that these are up-to-date? Given that you are on XP though it is unlikely they're being actively maintained :(


I've been running BitTorrent for a few weeks now to try to verify this possible source of malfunction. There hasn't been a single problem whatsoever.

It does seem to be a Vuze problem.

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