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connection error (no data received from tracker)
when ever i try to download something this error "connection error (no data received from tracker" pops up under the "tracker status" bar. then the message switches to "OK (DHT backup only)" then it procieds to do nothing. i have 0 peers, 0 seeds and nothing happens. how do i fix this?

Vuze is having issues connecting to the tracker to get peers - when this happens Vuze attempts to get peers in the DHT but it appears that there are none there either.

You can always test that downloading is working by grabbing a torrent such as

If this fails then try running the network status test from the Help menu
(08-29-2014, 11:33 AM)'parg' Wrote: Vuze is having issues connecting to the tracker to get peers - when this happens Vuze attempts to get peers in the DHT but it appears that there are none there either.

You can always test that downloading is working by grabbing a torrent such as

If this fails then try running the network status test from the Help menu


vuze downloaded the like you provided but it wont download anything else.

i ran the network status test and it failed at two points
​ "testing tcp port 46457 inbound" report says "test failed: NAT test failed: connection timed out (". then it says "check your port forwarding for TCP 46457"

the test also failed later on while testing UDP. it says "sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe=5000, 10000 and 15000" then it says "check your port forwarding for UDP 46457"
I would guess that there is something wrong with the trackers on the other downloads you are trying to run. They may be down or something could be blocking them - you could try copying their URLs from within Vuze (right-click on one of them in the 'Sources' tab, select Edit Trackers and then copy the URLs from there) and paste them into your browser to see if you can connect that way (as a connectivity test that is)
(08-29-2014, 02:57 PM)'parg' Wrote: I would guess that there is something wrong with the trackers on the other downloads you are trying to run. They may be down or something could be blocking them - you could try copying their URLs from within Vuze (right-click on one of them in the 'Sources' tab, select Edit Trackers and then copy the URLs from there) and paste them into your browser to see if you can connect that way (as a connectivity test that is)


i did what you said and the URLs came up in my brouser. so does that mean something's wrong with vuze?


No probably not.  The test that prag had you run does mean that your ISP is not blocking that entire site (this is good news).  It does seem that your ISP (or security suite or similar) is blocking that URL however.

Just to be clear you actually have two different problems here.

1) You are being blocked from accessing the tracker's announce url.

2) The ports you are using to send and receive torrent data (as opposed to the peer list) to other peers are not forwarded in all of your firewalls.

So let us start with #1 . . . are you running a program like BTGuard or similar?  Very often torrent sites are hosted on sites which are blacklisted by programs like that.  Either that or your ISP has blocked traffic on port that tracker is using as the announce url (FYI this is why many private torrent sites use port 80 as an announce url since 80 is the same port used to send web data it is very hard to block the announce url of sites which use port 80 as the announce url).  The announce url is where you get the peer list and where you send your stats (so that your account is credited with the correct upload and download amounts).  So on private torrent sites is is very critical that you can access the announce url (because it is the only way to get peer information).

Ok #2 the fact that your ports are not forwarded is not a critical problem.  It does mean that you can not initiate connections to peers but you will still be able to connect to them (eventually).  In a nutshell this can be a problem if you have a bad ratio . . . but it is not a big deal if your ratio is ok.  So if you are not uploading as much as you would like (or enough to keep a healthy ratio) you need to get those ports forwarded.  If you know how to forward ports you can stop reading now.

The simplest way to forward ports is to use uPnP.  Turn on uPnP in all of your firewalls, turn on uPnP in Vuze and you are good to go (I can not remember but at least at one point you had to use a plug-in to use uPnP but maybe now it is a built in feature???  I have not had ot mess with it in about 7 years . . . so I really can not remember the specifics).  There are some (in my opinion) minor security concerns with running uPnP so depending upon the nature of your home network and or your risk tolerance level . . . you might not want to use uPnP.  If you choose not to use uPnP you need to manually forward your torrenting ports in all of your firewalls.

The common locations of firewalls in a typical home network are (but are not limited) to:

1) The software firewall on your home computer
2) The hardware firewall on your after-market stand alone wireless router
3) The hardware firewall on your after-market stand alone wired router
4) The hardware firewall on your ISP supplied modem/router or router.

If you need help forwarding ports . . . I suggest using . . . they explain all of the intricacies far better than I can.

Finally, the ports you are using are just outside of the recommended range.  The recommended port range is 49152-65534.  So I would start by changing to ports in that range (especially since you are having problems).

Good Luck!
thank you for your help! i think i know what's going on now. the only thing that has changed between the last time i successfully downloaded something and this time (where nothing will download) is i have changed internet providers. so i think what's happening is what you mentioned in #4 "4) The hardware firewall on your ISP supplied modem/router or router."
so how would i bypass the firewall to fix such a problem? will bypass or fix the issue? 
First off you are welcome!

Again you have two issues.

Issue #1 has nothing to do with the firewall settings on your home network.  It is a problem with your ISP -- or more correctly with your ISP being torrent unfriendly.  If you could bypass your ISP's efforts by monkying with the firewall on your modem/router . . . there would not be much point to your ISP's efforts would there.  The thing is that the ports you need to forward to pass data to other peers are not the same ports you use to access the torrent site tracker.

Yes you want to get your ports forwarded.  Yes will help with that.  No that will not solve the problem with you being blocked from getting peer data from the torrent site in question.  If you are sure it is your ISP try the following:

first check here and locate your ISP.

then read this for suggestions on how to avoid your ISP's efforts (if necessary)

The words here and this are links ;-)

The bottom line is that if none of that works you will need to get a VPN.

(08-29-2014, 11:22 AM)'fallonbennett09' Wrote: when ever i try to download something this error "connection error (no data received from tracker" pops up under the "tracker status" bar. then the message switches to "OK (DHT backup only)" then it procieds to do nothing. i have 0 peers, 0 seeds and nothing happens. how do i fix this?


 The reason for the tracker error's is because demonoide is shut down by authorities, their people said they will be back. But when will that be, in the mean time nobody knows why they can't download torrents.
I am also having this issue, but I've only noticed it with some of the torrents that I have UPLOADED onto Kickasstorrents ( they alerted me to the problem by asking me to continue seeding my torrent - I thought I had been, but nope apparently not! )

I'm incredibly technically challenged, lol ( believe me, uploading a torrent was a task and a half for this brain ) and now it's turning pear-shaped.....

Then, this evening I try to log into Kickasstorrents, but their normal page is down, so I log into an alternate one, and now my uploads are popping up saying " DHT Backup Only " or "NullPointerException"... coincidence??

Is it me? Or KickAss??
My issue is that when I download at HOME I get a DHT issue, when I am at university or other wifi networks, it works just fine... Any thoughts on how to fix this issue at my house? Wrote:I am also having this issue, but I've only noticed it with some of the torrents that I have UPLOADED onto Kickasstorrents ( they alerted me to the problem by asking me to continue seeding my torrent - I thought I had been, but nope apparently not! )

I'm incredibly technically challenged, lol ( believe me, uploading a torrent was a task and a half for this brain ) and now it's turning pear-shaped.....

Then, this evening I try to log into Kickasstorrents, but their normal page is down, so I log into an alternate one, and now my uploads are popping up saying " DHT Backup Only " or "NullPointerException"... coincidence??

Is it me? Or KickAss??


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