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anything wrong with VUZE??
Hi, really don(t get it, i've got more than 40 templates which used to give a lot of options in term of film, music, series and almost nothing anymore!!??
is vuze dead? do i need new templates that don't seem to exist?
Doesn't anyone know what going on or have the same probleme???
Thanks for your help, i'm getting desperate.
Vuze comes with only one or two templates, all the rest that you added, must have come from another place, the third-party templates, are they kept, with the change on the site, the templates may stop working. While the creators of these templates or other volunteers with no ability to update these templates, you can go directly on the template and do the research. Remembering that the Vuze team has not created and probably won't fix these templates made by third parties that provide access to content that infringe copyright. If you are interested in knowing how to create or edit templates, you can read:
(10-08-2016, 04:43 AM)'Havokdan' Wrote: Vuze comes with only one or two templates, all the rest that you added, must have come from another place, the third-party templates, are they kept, with the change on the site, the templates may stop working. While the creators of these templates or other volunteers with no ability to update these templates, you can go directly on the template and do the research. Remembering that the Vuze team has not created and probably won't fix these templates made by third parties that provide access to content that infringe copyright. If you are interested in knowing how to create or edit templates, you can read:


Thank you for your help, i'm just very surprise that all of them stop working, or being outdated all at once.
They still load up but not much recent contents come up, vuze will become useless if nothing is done to fix that??
How do we download directly from the templates pages? through vuze still??
Thanks again, much appreciated!
zoick\ dateline='\'1476009135' Wrote:
Havokdan\ dateline='\'1475927029' Wrote: Vuze comes with only one or two templates, all the rest that you added, must have come from another place, the third-party templates, are they kept, with the change on the site, the templates may stop working. While the creators of these templates or other volunteers with no ability to update these templates, you can go directly on the template and do the research. Remembering that the Vuze team has not created and probably won't fix these templates made by third parties that provide access to content that infringe copyright. If you are interested in knowing how to create or edit templates, you can read:


Thank you for your help, i'm just very surprise that all of them stop working, or being outdated all at once.
They still load up but not much recent contents come up, vuze will become useless if nothing is done to fix that??
How do we download directly from the templates pages? through vuze still??
Thanks again, much appreciated!

The templates will stopping work for several reasons, examples: change of address, even if only one letter, as does the template stop working; change the site code can also stop working and many others.
Well, vuze in fact always been a bittorrent client, the meta-search function is offered, but Vuze for being a company (legal entity) does not want to be sued for offering illegal content, so the creators of Vuze only offer a or two templates, which are sites that offer only legal content, but the link that indicated in the previous post they tell you how you own can create a template for the site you want, and this was done by users on the internet, but only they are not being kept by their more creators, causing them to stop working (note that the problem is with the templates, not with Vuze, which remains the same in this part), if your problem is with one of the templates that Vuze offer by default, you can ask the developers to take a look and mend, but Vuze will not correct templates for the other unless the problem is in Vuze, which does not seem to be the case.
If you want a client that pirated content, you can try qBittorrent that has a similar function and is maintained by a community.
If you want to find more templates, you can try the following websites:

Much still works, but I think half does not work or works only sometimes.
I'm having the same problem. It seems to be that the headings have been remove from the categories menue (Advanced search filters). Any help would be appreciated.

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