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Windows 7 Vuze 64 bit

Running Vuze on Win 7, happy with install.

Only onw (after years of running Vuze) I noticed that I am running the 32bit version while 64bit Vuze version is available.
Would Vuze 64bit run faster/better or with any improvements compared to Vuze 32bit?
Is it worth changing?
If the answer is YES, what would be the migrating procedure from 32bit Vuze to 64bit version.

Thanks and best wishes.
theoretically, having your pc read 64 bits at a time instead of 32 bits should be faster, but I haven't noticed an improvement and I haven't ventured across anyone who has.  Unless it causes you to lose sleep, I wouldn't bother, until someone comes along with convincing information as to why you should.
If you do choose to go 64bit, do a configuration backup, uninstall the 32bit Vuze, install 64bit Java 8, then Vuze64, then restore your configuration.
Hello ekstasee,

Thanks you so much for taking the time to write back.  After a few days of no responses...

What you say is exactly what I intuitively thought.  
I was wondering if anybody actually had the 32bit, migrated to 64bit and saw a "Wow" difference (that would compel me to make the switch).
Otherwise, things are running quite smoothly with my present 32bit UZE install.  So why fix it if it ain't broke...

Now if someone would take a shot and give me a bit of wisdom on the other topic I started at the same time with this one: VUZE not working with SSL announce (please see

Thanks again and best wishes,

For me, running 64 bit vuze speeded everything up, probably due to the 200+ torrents in my library.

The thing is, if you/re running a 64 bit OS, then why would you want to run 32 bit software through an emulator (which is what WOW is) when you can run the software in native 64 bit mode.

But it's the extra security you get by running 64 bit that's the biggest advantage.  With Vista onwards, you get hardware Data Execution Protection, rather than the software only in 32 bit. Strictly speaking, you can get hardware DEP in 32 bit, but it's a bit more of a fuss than in the 64 bit versions, where it's automatically enabled.
(08-02-2015, 04:51 PM)'JackBassV' Wrote: For me, running 64 bit vuze speeded everything up, probably due to the 200+ torrents in my library.

The thing is, if you/re running a 64 bit OS, then why would you want to run 32 bit software through an emulator (which is what WOW is) when you can run the software in native 64 bit mode.

But it's the extra security you get by running 64 bit that's the biggest advantage.  With Vista onwards, you get hardware Data Execution Protection, rather than the software only in 32 bit. Strictly speaking, you can get hardware DEP in 32 bit, but it's a bit more of a fuss than in the 64 bit versions, where it's automatically enabled.

Thanks for your input.
Good points!
I'm pushing 900 torrents (I like to keep everything seeding).  Just switched system drive to SSD, I can no longer blame system drive (or swap file) for bottlenecks.  It feels now that the next logical step is to migrate to 64 bit.
Reading from a previous post, it seems that doing a config backup, uninstall, install 64bit Java, install 64bit VUZE, doing a config restore will do the trick.  I am a bit cautious, as to avoid having to re-enter 900 torrents by hand one at a time...
Hello again,

Trying to migrate from Vuze 32bit to Vuze 64 bit.
I think I need some help installing the correct version.

Windows 7.

Performed Vuze backup.
Closed Vuze 32bit.
Performed Java 64bit install.

To make sure Java 64bit was installed correctly (and as a test of some sorts), I uninstalled the 32bit version of Chrome and installed Chrome 64bit version.  Uninstalll/reinstall went OK, Chrome now reports 64bit version running.

Uninstalled Vuze 32bit.
Looked everywhere on the site for a specific "64bit" version and was not able to find.
Found all sorts of "Vuze 64bit" versions all over the Internet, but I do not trust any source other than
Seeing that I do not find a specific "64bit" version on, I figured that the regular installer will either give me an option during the install process to select 64bit version, or will do it automatically upon detecting Windows 7 and 64bit Java.
So I went with the default download button + install.

Install offered to install in "C:\Program Files", which I took as an indication that it is installing the 64bit version.

Finished install, did a restore.
All torrents loaded OK, all settings seem to be exactly the same as before.

Checked vuze help>about for version, and I get:
Java 1.8.0_51
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.1.2/4 az3

Reading this, it seems to me that I did not migrate at all to 64bit version, I am still running vuze 32bit.
(I am not sure what amd64 is, but the computer is not amd processor).

Can someone please let me know if the version currently reported is vuze 64bit?
If I am still in 32bit, what did I do wrong and how can I install vuze 64bit?

Try looking in the vuze folder. You should see Azureus64.exe.

You just need to get this to run at startup instead.

Vuze, Java 1.9 b74 x64, Win 10 x64
(08-04-2015, 02:47 PM)'JackBassV' Wrote: Try looking in the vuze folder. You should see Azureus64.exe.

You just need to get this to run at startup instead.

Vuze, Java 1.9 b74 x64, Win 10 x64

C:\Program Files\Vuze
only has a
file (no Azureus64.exe).
I did a search on the system drive for Azureus64 to see if perhaps it was put in another place, but there is no Azureus64 file on the computer.

I have a feeling that by following the default "DOWNLOAD" button I installed once again the 32bit version.

Could you please indicate the download link for the 64bit version of Vuze, as I have not been able to find it.

...and just to be on the safe side, I uninstalled once again Vuze.
I verified that the entire Vuze folder in C:\Program Files\Vuze was deleted on uninstall.

I then looked again all over the web site and did not find any other point of entry for 64bit vuze download than clicking on the one and only DOWNLOAD link.

Reinstalled again.
Checked the C:\Program Files\Vuze.
Just like before, there is no Azureus64.exe file.

I went on to restore the last backup, just in case some of the settings were changed by the reinstall.
Everything looks like before, torrents connect, Help>About reports:
Java 1.8.0_51

 Oracle Corporation

SWT v4508, win32

Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.1.2/4 az3

Help from Master Parg would really be appreciated at this point! 


I am wondering if anyone working at Vuze is reading these posts.

If they are, I have 2 questions.  Could someone at Vuze pleqase respond?

1.  Reading the Help>About the following version information in Vuze:
Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.1.2/4 az3
and given the fact that there is NO Azureus64.exe file in the C:\Program Files\Vuze directory,
Is my Vuze installation at this point 32bit or 64bit?

2.  If it is 32bit, and seeing that I have uninstalled (twice) Vuze, installed latest 64bit version of Java (verified that it is being used by system), and reinstalled (twice) Vuze, what is the correct procedure for installing Vuze 64bit?

Thanks and best wishes.
'ccrisvuze\' dateline='\'1438895528'' Wrote: Hello,

I am wondering if anyone working at Vuze is reading these posts.

If they are, I have 2 questions.  Could someone at Vuze pleqase respond?

1.  Reading the Help>About the following version information in Vuze:
Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.1.2/4 az3
and given the fact that there is NO Azureus64.exe file in the C:\Program Files\Vuze directory,
Is my Vuze installation at this point 32bit or 64bit?

2.  If it is 32bit, and seeing that I have uninstalled (twice) Vuze, installed latest 64bit version of Java (verified that it is being used by system), and reinstalled (twice) Vuze, what is the correct procedure for installing Vuze 64bit?

Thanks and best wishes.



hey ccrisvuze, here's the link for Vuze at   Dont' forget to do a config backup!

If you went to, searched for Vuze x64 you would have found this page:
and clicking on the blue colored "Vuze - Azureus" link in the application window, would have taken you to this page:  which it appears offers the x86 version by default, but if you click on the blue "browse all files" link below the download button you would be taken to this page: where you have a choice of links for different Vuze releases. 
Clicking on the latest 5620 takes you to this page (which is the first link above): where you have a choice of install types and you then select this:  Vuze_5620_Installer64.exe   2015-08-07 11.1 MB .  and download and install from your own pc!
I note that you've checked your Java version and confirmed that it is x64.  If you download the x64 Vuze, it should install and operate ok (bugs excepted of course).
Furthermore, I have in the past successfully downloaded and installed with NO malware from FileHippo, so keep that in mind if you have trouble remembering how to find Vuze x64 @
Hope this helps.

Thanks so much ekstasee!

Mold was starting to grow under this issue...
Thanks for jumping in!!!

OK, I'll follow the links and give this 32bit to 64bit migration another try.

Best wishes.

I once again (for the 4th time):
-backed up
-uninstalled vuze
-reinstalled vuze from the "Vuze_5620_Installer64.exe" link
-performed a restore from backup

Once again, just like I wrote before, the program was installed in the "Program Files" folder (not the "Program FIles (x86)" folder), which I took as an indication that the 64bit version was installed.

Once again, the Vuze program only contains Azureus.exe (does not contain Azureus64.exe as another post suggested).

Once again the Help>About box informs:
Java 1.8.0_51
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.2.0/4 az3

Once again I am unable to determine from reading the Help>About information if the program that is running on my computer is Vuze 64bit or Vuze32 bit or some form of hybrid with 64bit and 32bit components.

Once again I am asking for a VUZE representative to please interpret for me the Help>About information.

I see that VUZE representatives read this forum every day and they post every day helpful replies.
It is a mystery for me (and a disappointment) that I have posted this so many times and not once one of the active VUZE representatives bothered to answer.

I appreciate the kindness of my peer forum members who have provided advice, but I am simply turning in circles.
The Help>About information is cryptic and inconclusive.   The advice provided causes me to uninstall and reinstall forever, with the same results.

Would it be that much trouble, Mr. Parg, or another "Vuze Staff Member", to spend less than 60 seconds and reply to my post with either:
"Yes, you are running 64bit Vuze"
"No, you are running 32bit Vuze, you must do xxxTHISxxx for a complete 64bit install"
"You are running some components in 32bit and others in 64bit, you must do xxxTHISxxx for a complete 64bit install".

Thanks in advance for your reply.
I think you're worrying over nothing.  From what you have described against a comparison of my own installation, I am certain you have 64bit Vuze installed.

My OS is Win 7 and I have an i5 cpu.   Here's my "about" details:
Java 1.8.0_45
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 7 v6.1, amd64
V5.6.2.0/4 az2

I suspect the amd64 reference is to the 64bit instruction set used in the CPU,  (The original specification was created by AMD and released in 2000, and has been implemented by AMD, Intel and VIA. = source )

If you go to c:\Program Files\Vuze\.install4j\installation.log and open this large text file, you should see at the top, something similar to that listed below:
I have highlighted the parts of the log file that seem to confirm, at least for me, that Vuze64 is installed.

[INFO] logger started at Mon Aug 10 17:11:34 ACST 2015
[INFO] executable name: C:\Users\Residents\AppData\Roaming\Azureus\tmp\AZU7448109285983316504.tmp\Vuze_5.6.2.0_win64.exe
[INFO] install4j version: 6.0.3 (build 6091)
[INFO] Properties:
-- listing properties --™ SE Runtime Environment
sun.boot.library.path=c:\program files\java\jre1.8.0_45\bin
java.vm.vendor=Oracle Corporation
exe4j.consoleCodepage=cp0 HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM

rest easy there colleague. I reckon you're OK
Java 1.8.0_51
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 8.1 v6.3, amd64
V5.6.2.0/4 az3

See the Task Manager image:

[Image: FadlqcH.png]

Note, that Windows 64 bits, when using a 32-bit application, it shows the application name the name of the final '32 -bit ". For Windows 7, the application name, the end comes the suffix "* 32" or the like.
Thanks ekstasee and Havokdan!

Confirmed both:
1.  installation log reports:
" HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM"

2.  Task manager shows "Azureus.exe" (no *32 suffix).

Thanks for helping me confirm that the install was successful.
Now, as you say, I can "rest easy".
If you've been running computers for as long as I have, I'm sure you know exactly why I am a skeptic. With computers (both hardware and software) I have learned by experience not to "assume" anything...   Having Help>About report "SWT v4508, win32" is by no means comforting that you are running 64 bits on all cylinders (I still have no idea why Help>About reports a 32bit win32 component).

Thanks a bunch to all who helped with this issue and best wishes .

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