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Will vuze launch with Check bind IP address checked?
I am setting up Vuze to route thru my VPN tunnel.  Can't guarantee how things will launch, but going to try and get it all working as services so I don't have to manually login and launch these.  Let's say I have checked "Check bind IP Addresses/interfaces are present on startup", and OPENVPN has not started up yet so the interface I am going to directly bind it to is unavailable, will Vuze fail to launch?  What is the best way to setup Vuze if you know it is dependent on OpenVPN being connected and don't want it to just end but retry connecting until it gets out (i.e. OpenVPN eventually comes up and connects).


If the interface is missing Vuze should start but fail to make any connections until the VPN connects (as long as you have the bind address set and the 'Enforce IP bindings even when interfaces are not available' option checked.
thanks parg.  so im trying to do split tunneling.  

installed openvpn
copied the certs and one opvn file in the openvpn config folder
added route-nopull in the client opvn file
started vpn.  connects and does still seem to create additional minor routes.  that said my home network is still accessible, on the net with my comcast ip and the TAP adapter shows an IP.  the tap adapter is eth22 and the ip4 is eth22[0] and ip6 eth22[1].  i tried pointing to all three options individually and all show routing green.  also checked to only use this connection.  but there is no activity and statistics even say connection is comcast.

if i dont add the nopull route whole server reports as the vpn connection and works.  what am i doing wrong?  using PIA vpn by the way.


Can't help with OpenVPN/PIA setup I'm afraid.
bummer, figured since i had it running in theory, and that binding capability was a vuze thing, would be the right place to inquire why its not working as advertised.  showing green even on the vpn channel but not working.  Everything I was reading about Vuze ability to bind to an interface eluded to it was to support things like split tunneling.  Hopefully openvpn forum can solve this.



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