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What better setting for Upload and stay SEED?
Hello, I love Torrent.

I love so much like being SEED how long I can therefore have a VPS and space and bandwidth. I 10GBP / s band and space 4TB. I am a massive sharer. But I never knew exactly what the best setting for the Vuze be better at sending. Could you help me by giving me the options I could change? Usually I enable Super-Seeding, but it disables itself after a while.

I tried thousands of configurations, but generally the maximum I can send is 10 MB / s which is very little considering I can send up to 1GB / s - have space and the disc is 15,000 rpm, so it reads well.

If you can give me a great confguration, I'll be very happy and help thousands of people to have what they need pretty quickly right? : D
10 Giga Bytes per second.  Do you own the Telco?   Most of us dream of having a 100 mega-bit per second down connection.  So at 8 bits per byte, your connection is 80 giga-bits per second.  Just so the rest of us don't get depressed and shoot ourselves, you might like to confirm that you haven't mistyped and that those specifications are the real deal.

Ok, to your issue.  No matter what your seeding capacity is, the amount of data that your torrent client can upload is not only determined by the settings of your Vuze client, but also by other extraneous factors such as how old the torent is and what demand there is for the torrent.  You will easily determine this by the number of peers (Seeds & Leechers) that appear in the same columns of the Vuze torrent window. Other factors are the peers (leechers), their location, the path of data-travel between you and them, the settings of their client and the capacity of the internet service that they are connected to.  If they are in an emerging economy, they be limited by bandwidth availability/cost in their location, their client may be choking the data you are sending them, either because of how they've configured it or because they haven't tweaked it at all and are using inadequate default settings.

The first thing you need to do is learn about your Vuze client and how to configure it. You migh need to experiment but don't be in a hurry, especially if you don't understand some of the terms used.  Only make 1 or 2, adjustments at a time, no more, and your best guide will be by visiting the Vuze Wiki and especially the following pages:  Best wishes to you.

All the settings to adjust Vuze

Good Settings

increase your download speed

avoid traffic shaping.

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