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Vuze using lots of Ram on my mac
Is this normal?  Maybe I need some help understanding how many things I should have active at once etc.  I usually dont go more than 10-12 active downloads..  With 5/6 of them in queue...

I have macbook pro i7 2.3ghz with 8GB ram.. While vuze is open I only have 144mb free!!  But in activity monitor it doesnt show vuze using all that much memory?

similiar issue with a user from 2012 here.
(05-30-2015, 05:30 PM)webshark Wrote: I have macbook pro i7 2.3ghz with 8GB ram.. While vuze is open I only have 144mb free!!  But in activity monitor it doesnt show vuze using all that much memory.
That is most definitely not normal. I'm sorry I can't tell you what to do about it, though.
Even with a bunch of torrentz running? hmmm.. Didnt think it would be normal right now searching for a replacement to see if that works better. Been using vuze from the start be sad to say goodbye :(
Yes, even with a bunch of torrents running, depending on your Vuze settings for maximum download.
I've been having problems of a different kind with Vuze, so I've started using 'Transmission' for Mac. It's quite fast, but not as convenient as Vuze, because I have to download torrents via my browser first, then drag them into the open Transmission window. Still, it's quite fast and it's free.
OldRogue\ dateline='\'1433039116' Wrote: Yes, even with a bunch of torrents running, depending on your Vuze settings for maximum download.
I've been having problems of a different kind with Vuze, so I've started using 'Transmission' for Mac. It's quite fast, but not as convenient as Vuze, because I have to download torrents via my browser first, then drag them into the open Transmission window. Still, it's quite fast and it's free.


Alot of people are reccomending transmission but I think it looks boring lol.. So it doesnt use magnet links?  thats me out then.. might try utorrent or qbittorrent

 I read that it supports magnet so I dont what you would have to do that.
Transmission does support magnet links if you use a current version.  But beware Transmission is the buggiest torrent client in existence.  Every single controlled test I have ever seen ranks Transmission in the bottom 2 or 3 worst clients at accurately reporting statistics.  The rare times that it finishes out of dead last are when there is a bug with another client.  Transmission has had a problem accurately reporting download stats for about 7 or 8 years . . . seriously . . . it is crap.

As far as the problem you all are reporting.  Your memory is set to high for some reason.  I am running about 2150 active torrents and my instance of Vuze uses 1.88 GB of memory . . . as a point of reference right now Firefox is using 4.88 GB of memory.  Because I am running so many torrents I have my memory use set to 1.5 GB I think the default is 256 MB or 128 MB.  If you are running less than about 300 torrents or so the default should be fine.

check here to see how to change the memory use.  If you need help with that post back and someone will help.

Just out of curiosity . . . where did you download your copy of Vuze?
What version are you using?

--- Edit Oh hold on you say that Vuze is not using a lot of memory.  Well if Vuze is not using a lot of memory why do you think Vuze is the problem?

I guess it could be Java but that is usually a contributor to CPU usage not memory usage.  I am using a 5.5 year old iMac (2.8 GHz quad core i7) and I do not have these problems with Vuze.  At one point I did have a problem with memory usage and I threw some money at the problem and increased my memory for 4 GB to 12 GB . . . but it turned out the problem was a Firefox add-on that got added without my knowledge that Firefox developers finally disabled . . . I probably did not even need to upgrade my memory . . . but it was not terribly expensive . . . so no harm done.
GaryE\ dateline='\'1433103479' Wrote: Transmission does support magnet links if you use a current version.  But beware Transmission is the buggiest torrent client in existence.  Every single controlled test I have ever seen ranks Transmission in the bottom 2 or 3 worst clients at accurately reporting statistics.  The rare times that it finishes out of dead last are when there is a bug with another client.  Transmission has had a problem accurately reporting download stats for about 7 or 8 years . . . seriously . . . it is crap.

As far as the problem you all are reporting.  Your memory is set to high for some reason.  I am running about 2150 active torrents and my instance of Vuze uses 1.88 GB of memory . . . as a point of reference right now Firefox is using 4.88 GB of memory.  Because I am running so many torrents I have my memory use set to 1.5 GB I think the default is 256 MB or 128 MB.  If you are running less than about 300 torrents or so the default should be fine.

check here to see how to change the memory use.  If you need help with that post back and someone will help.

Just out of curiosity . . . where did you download your copy of Vuze?
What version are you using?

--- Edit Oh hold on you say that Vuze is not using a lot of memory.  Well if Vuze is not using a lot of memory why do you think Vuze is the problem?

I guess it could be Java but that is usually a contributor to CPU usage not memory usage.  I am using a 5.5 year old iMac (2.8 GHz quad core i7) and I do not have these problems with Vuze.  At one point I did have a problem with memory usage and I threw some money at the problem and increased my memory for 4 GB to 12 GB . . . but it turned out the problem was a Firefox add-on that got added without my knowledge that Firefox developers finally disabled . . . I probably did not even need to upgrade my memory . . . but it was not terribly expensive . . . so no harm done.



Thanks for the repsonse well when Vuze is not open ram issue is not anywhere near as bad.  Funny you say that about transmission as I am seeing the opposite when I google search and also so many people who sya they love it.. I started using it last night to see and so far have to say im loving the simplicity of it.  Vuze was giving me issues when a download would complete and then id move the file.  It was re-downloading part of the file to the original location, aslo renaming stuff inside files causes issues. 

You may be right abaout Java my java is messed up and upgrading doesnt seem to work.  Im on Yosemite latest version.  I got my vuze from official site and running latest version.

What kind of issues you see in transmission.. Thank you

I do not use Transmission because it sucks.  LOL The only people who like it are either unix users who use it on a seedbox (who generate so much upload they do not notice the problems), people on Mac's who are clueless, or people who have a personal ax to grind against other Mac torrent clients.

It has a well documented history of over reporting download amounts for at least 7 or 8 years.  Find any independent tests which test torrent clients ability to report stats back to the tracker . . . Transmission is always at or near the bottom.  Seriously it has been that way for years.

If you are hearing differently you are not listening to someone who knows what they are talking about.  I used to staff the oldest Mac only torrent site on the web.  There was exactly one staffer there in the roughly 6 years since I joined the site who did not use Vuze/Azureus on their Mac.  That one person only used it rarely because he was mainly a seedbox user (where he used rTorrent/ruTorrent).  So 95% + of his torrent was done on a client other than Transmission.

Transmission has a lot of folks who love it . . . especially in the Mac community.  We wanted to ban the client but there would have been an uproar.  So instead we made it a "use at your own risk" client.  In other words when (not if but when) Transmission screwed up your stats . . . staff would not fix the stats that Transmission ruined.  It happened probably once a week on average where a user would complain about that issue.  I can not tell you how many times I saw a user who would say "I am using Transmission anyhow it has never caused a problem for me!".  Then a few weeks, months, whatever later that same user would come back and ask why his download amount was off.  LOL  That happened a lot!!!  The site owner (before I staffed the site in question but I knew him from some torrent staff only forums/IRC's/"secret areas of regular forums/etc) actually went to the Transmission developers and offered them unfettered access to his site to try to get the problem solved.  The Transmission developers declined the offer.  Does that sound like a piece of software you want to use????  LOL

Really it has a well documented problem with over reporting download amounts on private torrent sites.  Typically it is in the range of 3% to 10% . . . on most controlled tests the numbers are closer to 10%.  If you are only listening to users who use public sites . . . which do not track download amount . . . of course you are not going to hear about that problem.

There are a few sites who have staff who had a personal gripe with Vuze who banned Vuze from their site and did recommend Transmission . . . but that had nothing to do with the performance of either client it was all about ego.  So for that reason banned Vuze but really that had nothing to do with torrent client performance.  There are people with personal preferences . . . but my personal preference is based on 7 + years of history of reading what users said about Transmission over reporting download amounts and reading about what independent testers said about it.

And that is only one of its well documented problems.  There was one point about 5 years ago (I think it was) when they released something like 5 "stable" versions in a roughly 4 week period (they have since edited their version history to erase that bit of history . . . seriously does that sound like a quality piece of software?).

Use it if you want . . . just do not come crying to me when it starts causing you serious problems.

If your Java is messed up . . . you need to get that fixed LOL  That will effect your memory usage big time especially if you leave your web browser open to sites that use Java.  I would strongly recommend fixing that rather than switching clients.  That is not a problem you want to ignore.  I suspect that many/most of your problems with Vuze are actually problems with your Java installation.

If you have a time machine backup of your computer . . . you could do a complete reinstall of your OS . . . and then recover your data from time machine.  That would almost certainly fix your java problem. But that is a "Windows-type" of fix LOL . . . there is probably a way to do a complete reinstall of Java without resorting to that drastic of a solution.


After a little bit of investigation here are some instructions as to how to do that:


If you are having issues when moving files from within Vuze I would suspect that your HD is too full or slow or something which is causing problems.  Right now my external RAID 1 (4TB usable space) is almost full and time machine really bogs down my computer.  The only time I have problems moving files within Vuze are when a backup is running.  If I remember to stop my backup . . . the problem goes away.  I have similar problems with other programs which are reading/writing data to that external.  I am far from an expert on such things . . . but that is my experience which may or may not be similar to your issues.

I really appreciate all your help. Honestly I loved vuze because it was the first client I ever used. But It just wasn't performing well. I have been using Transmission now for a couple of days and I have to day I am very impressed with the speeds and easy of use. Very impressive so far. No issues with it at all, that I can see for my level of use anyways.

As for vuze and moving files. If i went to the folder where the downloaded and began cleaning names etc or move to permanent storage my new 5tb drive it would seem to re-download remnant parts to the original folder? really odd.

As much as I liked vuze and all the features I did not use any of its features other than download ...

My java i will give that a go now.. Thank you kindly sir!
webshark\ dateline='\'1433155235' Wrote: Hey,

I really appreciate all your help. Honestly I loved vuze because it was the first client I ever used. But It just wasn't performing well. I have been using Transmission now for a couple of days and I have to day I am very impressed with the speeds and easy of use. Very impressive so far. No issues with it at all, that I can see for my level of use anyways.

As for vuze and moving files. If i went to the folder where the downloaded and began cleaning names etc or move to permanent storage my new 5tb drive it would seem to re-download remnant parts to the original folder? really odd.

As much as I liked vuze and all the features I did not use any of its features other than download ...

My java i will give that a go now.. Thank you kindly sir!

First you are welcome for the advice/responses/whatever you want to call them.

Next trust me you are having issues with transmission . . . everyone does . . . I will give you the fact that you do not notice them . . . but the issues are there . . . there have been lots of controlled tests and transmission always every time over reports download amounts in the 3% to 10% rang -- this is a fact not opinion.  Again use it if you like . . . but it does over report download stats to the tracker.  A lot of folks do not notice because the resolution of the displayed amounts on private torrent sites are not fine enough to show them.

For example if your download amount is 1.01 TB and you grab a 1 GB file that transmission over reports by 10% (meaning it reports 1.1 GB) you will see no difference in your displayed statistics.

1.01 + (1/1024) = 1.010977 TB
1.01 + (1.1/1024) = 1.01107 TB

When rounded to two decimal places
they will each be 1.01 TB

So you will not notice the difference.  Of course if you are using public sites (or invite only public sites like Demonoid) that do not (or in the case of Demonoid can not accurately) record stats you will also never notice the problem.  Again just because you do not see something happening it does not mean it is not happening.  On the Mac only site I staffed the average torrent size was less than 100 MB . . . so even folks who were in the under 1 TB range of download totals would not notice the over reporting because for users in the roughly 1000 GB - 1000 MB range the site only showed to nearest 10.24 MB or to the nearest .01 GB if you prefer) .  So if a torrent less than 100 MB in size got over reported by 10% you would not notice.

As far as your moving files around from outside of the torrent client . . . do that with any torrent client and the same thing will happen if the torrent is still running in your client.  That is the way the protocol is designed.  If a file goes away . . . it gets re-downloaded.  This is not strange nor is is a bug.  If you want to relocate files that an active torrent is using . . . your torrent client is going to re-download the missing files.  If you want to avoid that you have to move the files from within your torrent client not from within the finder or you have to stop (not queue but stop) the torrent in your client.  That is completely expected behavior.  In fact in most of the sites I frequent Vuze is often praised at being the best client to use if you like to move your files around frequently after downloading a torrent from within your client.

If you are experiencing problems when moving files in your client using Vuze again I would say the most likely culprit is your Java problem.  The next likely cause is what I described above.  If your HDD is essentially overworked because it is nearly full and fragmented to death the resulting disk delays could cause problems when moving files around in theory.  As I said earlier I have experienced this first hand but once case does not a rule make LOL

Good luck solving your Java issues!


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