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Vuze shutting down at start up
(01-09-2015, 09:47 AM)'parg' Wrote: Ah, OK, wasn't sure if you had a chance before it crashed.

Here's a couple things to try

1) manually remove the plugin:

Open windows file system explorer and type %APPDATA% into the location field + hit enter. This will take you to your local application data storage folder. There will be a folder in that named 'Azureus'. Navigate into that and then into the 'plugins' folder. Delete the folder named 'azpromo'

Start Vuze and see if that fixes the problem

(unfortunately the plugin will auto-re-install at some point in the future, but at least this will tell us if it is the plugin causing the issue)

2) manually downgrade to the previous version of the SWT library

Open windows file system explorer and navigate to where Vuze itself is installed. By default this will be

C:\Program Files\Vuze
C:\Program Files (x86)\Vuze

in there you will find a file named "swt.jar". replace this with either     (for 32 bit Vuze installs)

or    (for 64 bit Vuze installs)

Then see if Vuze starts

Could you post instructions on how to follow these steps when using a Macbook? I've been having the same issue the other users are describing. thank you.
Pretty sure all the other users are Windows ones...

The only recent Mac problems we've been seeing are associated with the El Capitan Beta
Ronylocc\ dateline='\'1436996868' Wrote:
parg\ dateline='\'1420822075' Wrote: [snip]

Could you post instructions on how to follow these steps when using a Macbook? I've been having the same issue the other users are describing. thank you.

If your Vuze crashes as soon as you start it on a Mac . . . there is a usual suspect.  Did you manually change the amount of memory Vuze uses?  If so you have to change that config file again every time you upgrade to a new version.  The new version over-writes the existing configuration file!
(06-15-2015, 08:02 PM)'MajorD' Wrote:
(06-12-2015, 02:02 PM)'brickt5' Wrote:
(01-01-2015, 11:44 AM)'AnnaCecilia' Wrote: I've had problems using Vuze for some days now. When I start Vuze, either manually or by downloading a torrent, it just starts up and then shuts down again. I've updated to the latest version of Vuze and checked that my Java version is ok, but the problem exists.
I haven't been able to produce a debug file, since I can't reach the Vuze interface, but the log file indicates that the problem is in swt-win32-4508.dll+0x31090 - a widget toolkit for windows native library by Eclipse.
Does anyone have any idea on why this is happening and what to do?



Try turning off the active X filtering if it is checked.  You will find that under the Safety button on your tool bar.


Nice! This worked!!!

 had the same crashing issue again (after 6 months of working great) and the "Active X Filtering" within IE being turned off fixed the issue. Now, instead of crashing, the windows comes up and asks me to upgrade. 

Vuze team - you may want to investigate what's getting invoked when you pop open the upgrade screen.


mine keeps crashing too and I don't see anything that has "safety" written ...
(04-02-2015, 10:23 PM)parg Wrote: Can you all please check out and see if that helps?

Thank you!! That finally worked!
I have the same almost instant shutdown of Vuze on my Macbook. Just started today after running perfectly for 5 years! I'm not very tech savvy but can follow simple instructions... can anybody help out a Macbook user?  Thanks!
(07-15-2015, 04:27 PM)'parg' Wrote: Pretty sure all the other users are Windows ones...

The only recent Mac problems we've been seeing are associated with the El Capitan Beta

Unfortunatly you are wrong Parg the issue on this forum is affecting Mac users t0o I am certain I have the same issue with this azpromo thing my Vuze crashes on launch or shortly after and uninstalling azpromo seems to fix it but only temporarily until it automatically reinstalls and causes an instant crash.
ive also tried all fixes above as well as all on site my problems only start 18 hours ago my vuze will open then get stuc kbefore it gets to any torrent then ill try back out says not responding if i try pull up task manager to stop or just wait a while  my system  crashes 
  Problem Event Name:    BlueScreen
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033

Additional information about the problem:
  BCCode:    7a
  BCP1:    FFFFF6FC50062700
  BCP2:    FFFFFFFFC0000185
  BCP3:    0000000026DB0880
  BCP4:    FFFFF8A00C4E0000
  OS Version:    6_1_7601
  Service Pack:    1_0
  Product:    256_1

there no way in program to do anything im completly out of ideas
After having used Vuze successfully for over a year, it seems that I've also now gotten bitten by the azpromo issue.  It seemed to have all started just about a day or so ago and removing the azpromo folder as described above seems to resolve the issue, but once it is re-downloaded within a few minutes, Vuze will just crash.  With the azpromo folder, it crashes immediately upon startup.  The interesting thing is that I don't use Internet Explorer or Edge (Windows 10) as I use Chrome and Firefox, so I don't have any extensions installed for IE other than I guess whatever came with it when upgrading to Windows 10 from some months back.

Has any solution come about for this?  It seems to have gone dead in this thread and unfortunately I'd hate to have to stop using Vuze.

Thank you and Happy New Year!  :)
You could delete the folder, start Vuze and join the beta program - see
I just did a compatability test on my Vuze. Suggested windows 8. I tested it worked. Signed up for beta just incase. 

Java 1.8.0_66 (64 bit)
 Oracle Corporation
SWT v4508, win32
Windows 10 v10.0, amd64
V5.7.0.1_B11/4 az3

so far so good.
I have the same issue and followed one suggestion, deleting azpromo from the plugins folder.  It works but Vuze keeps replacing the folder.

Now what?
The problem is indeed the way Vuze uses IE and possibly Flash. My computer has installed a new (Win 10) update on the 29th - and then again on the 30th (after I rolled it back). This update, I apologize for not having the update number, targets IE and Flash. Every time I remove it, Vuze works fine. The sudden upsurge of this issue would definitely point to a Windows Update being the culprit. Hope you guys can apply a workaround patch soon.
I'm probably not adding any new info here, but I'm in the same boat as the others.
Windows 10 64-bit
latest builds of Java (64-bit), flash and MS redistributables 
Uninstall Vuze and remove any trace, reinstall, and crash before I can even get into the options menu
Thanks - I've released a patch to hopefully work around this - unfortunately Vuze will crash once more after applying the patch but should then continue.

If you are quick enough to disable the ad panel (hit the 'x' top right of the ad) before the crash you can avoid this too.
(01-01-2015, 11:44 AM)'AnnaCecilia' Wrote: I've had problems using Vuze for some days now. When I start Vuze, either manually or by downloading a torrent, it just starts up and then shuts down again. I've updated to the latest version of Vuze and checked that my Java version is ok, but the problem exists.
I haven't been able to produce a debug file, since I can't reach the Vuze interface, but the log file indicates that the problem is in swt-win32-4508.dll+0x31090 - a widget toolkit for windows native library by Eclipse.
Does anyone have any idea on why this is happening and what to do?



I'm having the same problem since New Year, going back to Utorrent. Like Vuze, it was more feature rich but not much good in current state.

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