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Vuze running slow and freezing on Windows 10 64bit
Hi All, in the last couple of weeks Vuze has started playing up by slowing and freezing my laptop when I check the task manager I can see that a task "System Interrupts" has appeared and using over 20% of the CPU. If I close Vuze it goes away, I like to keep Vuze open so that I can share but my laptop is unusable, this freezing also slows my downloads/uploads terribly. Has anybody else experienced this and resolved it? Windows is up to date and I have not installed any news programs in the last month.
(04-04-2016, 10:36 PM)'Steve_f' Wrote: Hi All, in the last couple of weeks Vuze has started playing up by slowing and freezing my laptop when I check the task manager I can see that a task "System Interrupts" has appeared and using over 20% of the CPU. If I close Vuze it goes away, I like to keep Vuze open so that I can share but my laptop is unusable, this freezing also slows my downloads/uploads terribly. Has anybody else experienced this and resolved it? Windows is up to date and I have not installed any news programs in the last month.

same problem here.. it has to do with writing to the HD... maybe a bad HD?
let me know if you find any solution.
Not sure if associated with high 'system interrupts' but some users have had issues with anti-virus/firewall products burning through cycles inspecting Vuze network traffic - might be worth double checking that the Vuze process (Azureus.exe) is correctly excluded from scanning
I'm sure you've come across in your searching for a solution, but just in case there's something of use in there...
'parg dateline='' Wrote: I'm sure you've come across in your searching for a solution, but just in case there's something of use in there...


yes vuze is in the exclusion list of the antivirus, however like the mentioned thread says, I've changed the course fan and I had to remove the motherboard
so I'll try to check all the connectors again.

However I'm experiencing this huge load only with vuze, probably because it's writing/reading a lot... So I suppose it's related to the hard disk (s)

ill keep you posted
Same issue here, out of the blue! I'm on version Vuze has started using a ton of resources the last couple of days. Currently, after a full system restart I'm approaching over 600 MB of memory consumption alone.

I've also noticed that when Vuze is started or restarted it "scans" through all of my Subscriptions, one after the other, which doesn't allow me to use any part of Vuze because it's "bouncing" between all of the Subscriptions (I have hundreds setup).

Any ideas?
Check the 'thread_1.log' / 'thread_2.log' files in the 'logs' directory. They have periodic entries of the form

[22:24:49] Thread state: elapsed=10000,cpu=515,max=Global Status Checker(141/1%),mem:max=3726336,tot=531968,free=315204

showing the most active thread (with stack traces if very high) along with the JVM memory usage (in KB). In the above example the JVM 

memory limit: 3.7GB
memory allocated: 531MB
memory free: 315MB

If the allocated memory is close to the limit then you will incur overhead as the JVM struggles to run garbage collection cycles to free memory up.

If the allocated memory is significantly less that the amount of memory usage that task manager shows then there would appear to be non-Java memory issue.

If the CPU usage shown in the log file is low (1% in the above) but task manager shows high CPU usage then there would appear to be a non-Java CPU usage issue.
Right, Paul.

Also try these settings, content of Azureus.exe.vmoptions file (content of java.vmoptions file should be - "-include-options D:\Azureusc\Azureus.exe.vmoptions"), just point pathes correctly. Create .txt file, put configs below as it is field under field and then rename to "Azureus.exe.vmoptions".


You can put contents of "C:\Users\npm\AppData\Roaming\Azureus" folder and binary folder into one folder, say, on D:\Azureusc\, then keep watching on right pathes in .vmoptions files.

You can also install JDK 1.8 64-bit Java instead JRE, and then download and use VisualVM to monitor performance of Heap and GC, Garbage Collector, just install in VisualVM Visual GC plugin and you wll be done.

"-Xms1600m", "-Xmx1600m", "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1600m" settings about 4 GB system memory config, plus Queue settings as follow - Max simultaneous downloads = 90, Max active torrents = 250, Maximum 'stalled' = 350. These settings kind of good optimal, granting to JVM rich amount of memory, but active torrents count (Max active torrents + Maximum 'stalled') not too much, so, client not under heavy loading and client in good lite condition, and there is remains some amount of memory to whole system, so, system not hanging. "-XX:+UseParallelGC", "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=4" for QuadCore Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200, 2333 MHz (7 x 333) CPU.

In addition you can set permanently Vuze's priority class to Below normal, say, with Process Lasso Pro, that's help a lot for Vuze affecting on system load-responsiveness.

[Image: 2016-05-15_100104-D_495_k_U_244_M_E_∞.png]

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