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Vuze banned by TorrentDay
Vuze recently joined the list of banned clients on the private tracker TorrentDay.
Another banned client got one of their coders in contact with TD, and they are working to fix the issues that got the client banned.
So, per, if anyone from staff or coding team would be interested in talking to them, I can get said person an invite to the side so they can get in touch with the admins.
Breaks my heart to have to stop using my favorite torrent client.
What's their stated reason for the ban?
They didn't say specificaly for Vuze. All they said is that they ban clients either for bugs that big wrong data, or for cheating.
A lot of people were making dozens of posts asking about another client that was banned, so they just stopped answering questions regarding specific clients, and said only they would be willing to work with developers to solve it.
No clue exactly what their reasoning is but I figure since I have a couple invite to the site, might as well put them at the disposal of the Vuze's team, if interested.

Their general stance was:
Quote:Banned Clients:
These are the clients that have been reported to provide false and incorrect data and are hence banned from here. Use of any of these clients will result in the suspension of your account after you have been asked in pm and provided a warning

If you want the invite, just let me know an e-mail address to send it to, along with the name of the people you can contact there.
If they banned Vuze because someone reported an issue to them I don't see how working with them will help - if they have no direct evidence of an issue themselves then discussing things with them is pointless.

This is not the first time something like this has happened. Nobody has ever managed to show that an issue exists...

Still, I'm happy to try and contact them if you want to send me an invite to do so: (Paul Gardner)

I've just sent you the invitation.

The manager of the site is Mr.Afeganistan

The one that sent me the notification was Tubes

But probably anyone listed on the staff page should be able to tell you who to talk to.

Thank you in advance.
I'm in "jail" now, according to TorrentDay, and I'm not supposed to come back to them with any questions.  I am very disappointed with their attitude and my treatment. This is a site located in Germany, the home of freedom and integrity. Yet, they have banned Vuze and a number of other download applications and asking them why is "verboten". Makes me feel like I'm in a camp some 70 years ago, and this may sound outrageous, but I think that their attitude is a little outrageous. I asked them for alternatives, but everything they suggested, according to all of my research, was outdated and/or shown to be less than perfect, if it worked at all.  (I didn't bother downloading any, worried that I might be inviting trouble.) I keep getting invitations to return, only to find that I am still in jail.  However, if it is worth it, Vuze should be addressing this problem created by TorrentDay very strenuously.  Otherwise, we are all back in the camps 70 years ago and this is on the Internet.  I have moved on the SceneTime and I recommend the site to whoever is looking.
There are always torrent staff who think they know everything about everything and many times there is no reasoning with them.  In many cases the problem with the client the staff want to ban does not even exist but the staff still ban the client.

I have staffed several torrent sites (some of which were in the top 15 or so largest in terms of members at the time) and I have been a very active member of many torrent site staff only sites/forums/IRC's/whatever.  This is unfortunately normal behavior.  I have in fact proven in some cases to my fellow staffers that the client they want to ban does not have the problem they think it has and the client was still banned.

I have never had any dealings with TorrentDay and I do not know their staff's reputation but most times when a tracker bans a client there is almost nothing which can be done about it -- because most tracker staff (especially senior staff) will never admit they were wrong about anything.

Many times you just run into staff that are pushing their own personal agenda who will not back down so they are just looking for reasons to ban a client that for whatever reason they just do not like.

My point is that parg and the rest of the coders could prove to them beyond a shadow of a doubt that TorrentDay's concerns are invalid and or that they have been fixed . . . and the site will still keep the client banned.

I will also add that in my experience Vuze is one of the least banned clients there is.  In most of the cases I am well aware of where sites have banned Vuze . . . the sites had no real proven reason to do so.

Even uTorrent has more banned versions than Vuze does now-a-days (since roughly version 2.5 and later are very frequently banned).  My point is that if there was an underlying problem with Vuze there would be a heck of a lot more torrent sites who had the client banned.
(12-11-2015, 02:19 PM)'GaryE' Wrote: There are always torrent staff who think they know everything about everything and many times there is no reasoning with them.  In many cases the problem with the client the staff want to ban does not even exist but the staff still ban the client.

I have staffed several torrent sites (some of which were in the top 15 or so largest in terms of members at the time) and I have been a very active member of many torrent site staff only sites/forums/IRC's/whatever.  This is unfortunately normal behavior.  I have in fact proven in some cases to my fellow staffers that the client they want to ban does not have the problem they think it has and the client was still banned.

I have never had any dealings with TorrentDay and I do not know their staff's reputation but most times when a tracker bans a client there is almost nothing which can be done about it -- because most tracker staff (especially senior staff) will never admit they were wrong about anything.

Many times you just run into staff that are pushing their own personal agenda who will not back down so they are just looking for reasons to ban a client that for whatever reason they just do not like.

My point is that parg and the rest of the coders could prove to them beyond a shadow of a doubt that TorrentDay's concerns are invalid and or that they have been fixed . . . and the site will still keep the client banned.

I will also add that in my experience Vuze is one of the least banned clients there is.  In most of the cases I am well aware of where sites have banned Vuze . . . the sites had no real proven reason to do so.

Even uTorrent has more banned versions than Vuze does now-a-days (since roughly version 2.5 and later are very frequently banned).  My point is that if there was an underlying problem with Vuze there would be a heck of a lot more torrent sites who had the client banned.


I have been using VUZE in association with ALL torrent sites including TorrentDay for over 6 years.  Suddenly as of yesterday I am seeing "Error (access denied, banned client)" and cannot download nor seed the over 300 torrents I have gotten from them recently. I was just approaching the 10,000 point mark and then able to boost my ratio.  I am listed as a "power user" in my profile with nearly 2 terrabytes of upload bandwidth!!

  I posted a question to the comments and was told (very brusquely) that "VUZE has ALWAYS been banned from TorrentDay!"  If this is true, then why have I been able to use it for over 6 years without a single notice or PM about it?? 

I'm not going to support them anymore, despite having "donated" over $500 in the past few years.  They have stabbed in the back a loyal financial supporter!  I need a new site that is roughly equivalent in content now.  Any suggestions or closed server invites available??
(04-08-2016, 09:28 PM)'DontTreadonMe' Wrote:

...I need a new site that is roughly equivalent in content now.  Any suggestions or closed server invites available??

I too need a good alternate, as I have no desire to change my downloading setup.  May the arrogance of TD reap what it has sown and die a hard and fast death (or at least everybody stop supporting it financially, which will accomplish the same thing).
(04-08-2016, 09:28 PM)'DontTreadonMe' Wrote:
(12-11-2015, 02:19 PM)'GaryE' Wrote: There are always torrent staff who think they know everything about everything and many times there is no reasoning with them.  In many cases the problem with the client the staff want to ban does not even exist but the staff still ban the client.

I have staffed several torrent sites (some of which were in the top 15 or so largest in terms of members at the time) and I have been a very active member of many torrent site staff only sites/forums/IRC's/whatever.  This is unfortunately normal behavior.  I have in fact proven in some cases to my fellow staffers that the client they want to ban does not have the problem they think it has and the client was still banned.

I have never had any dealings with TorrentDay and I do not know their staff's reputation but most times when a tracker bans a client there is almost nothing which can be done about it -- because most tracker staff (especially senior staff) will never admit they were wrong about anything.

Many times you just run into staff that are pushing their own personal agenda who will not back down so they are just looking for reasons to ban a client that for whatever reason they just do not like.

My point is that parg and the rest of the coders could prove to them beyond a shadow of a doubt that TorrentDay's concerns are invalid and or that they have been fixed . . . and the site will still keep the client banned.

I will also add that in my experience Vuze is one of the least banned clients there is.  In most of the cases I am well aware of where sites have banned Vuze . . . the sites had no real proven reason to do so.

Even uTorrent has more banned versions than Vuze does now-a-days (since roughly version 2.5 and later are very frequently banned).  My point is that if there was an underlying problem with Vuze there would be a heck of a lot more torrent sites who had the client banned.


I have been using VUZE in association with ALL torrent sites including TorrentDay for over 6 years.  Suddenly as of yesterday I am seeing "Error (access denied, banned client)" and cannot download nor seed the over 300 torrents I have gotten from them recently. I was just approaching the 10,000 point mark and then able to boost my ratio.  I am listed as a "power user" in my profile with nearly 2 terrabytes of upload bandwidth!!

  I posted a question to the comments and was told (very brusquely) that "VUZE has ALWAYS been banned from TorrentDay!"  If this is true, then why have I been able to use it for over 6 years without a single notice or PM about it?? 

I'm not going to support them anymore, despite having "donated" over $500 in the past few years.  They have stabbed in the back a loyal financial supporter!  I need a new site that is roughly equivalent in content now.  Any suggestions or closed server invites available??


I too have been using Vuze on TorrentDay for many years and as of today I get the message error access denied banned client.  I really hate to leave vuse but if there's no way to access the program to download torrents I'll be forced to do so.  It's sad in that even though my ratio is only 2.7 I do have my bonus of over 24.000 which I have yet to trade in to enoromously raise my ratio.  No need if I can no longer use Vuse.
All I would like to say is please don't p1ss off the staff at Torentday if there is a chance that they might reverse the ban after talking to you guys at Vuze on the technical side of things.

I don't know what tests can be done to prove that Vuze reports the correct stats, or why Torrentday people think that it doesn't, but surely there's room for discussion here.
Hi. It seems to me that - at this moment -the best torrent site with the largest selection of torrents and a lively user community is Kickass. EZTV is very good if all you want are TV shows in standard or 720p coding. Demonoid is still in slow recovery mode.

I'd like to think that there are huge private P2P sites out there, but other than what I read about USENET (S) ... which I don't really understand, I don't know of any.

May I suggest looking at as well as for mention and reviews of torrent sites.....
(04-09-2016, 10:51 AM)'Viridel' Wrote:
(04-08-2016, 09:28 PM)'DontTreadonMe' Wrote:

...I need a new site that is roughly equivalent in content now.  Any suggestions or closed server invites available??

I too need a good alternate, as I have no desire to change my downloading setup.  May the arrogance of TD reap what it has sown and die a hard and fast death (or at least everybody stop supporting it financially, which will accomplish the same thing).

I could use one also.  It's so sad.  Any suggestions?
'sinnedbad' pid='16197' dateline='1460327640'
Quote:'Viridel' pid='16189' dateline='1460224262'
Quote:'DontTreadonMe' pid='16188' dateline='1460176081'
...I need a new site that is roughly equivalent in content now.  Any suggestions or closed server invites available??  
I too need a good alternate, as I have no desire to change my downloading setup.  May the arrogance of TD reap what it has sown and die a hard and fast death (or at least everybody stop supporting it financially, which will accomplish the same thing). 
I could use one also.  It's so sad.  Any suggestions?

TorrentDay are now allowing version 5 of Vuze.

See here:

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