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Vuze OSX won't Force Quit
Vuze for OSX hasn't been shutting/restarting well, I've had the problem on a dozen occasions since the start of 2016.

The Dock's indicator shows Vuze remains open, yet Force Quit fails to respond. Activity Monitor shows no sign of Vuze within the CPU/Memory tabs preventing lookup of the PID, and it's also grayed out in the Energy tab just like any other closed app. I'm unable to properly shutdown as a result and it's pretty much the only reason for my occasion system reboot nowadays.

How can I resolve this or at least kill and restart Vuze without having to restart my system (which is a massive pain considering how many Chrome tabs I tend to have open concurrently)....?

MacBook Pro (Retina, Late 2013) OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
Vuze (recently verified it's updated but cannot show the number now unless I restart)

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I, too, have had the same exact issues as OP on my Late 2013 MBP-r. I've resorted to shutting down via holding the power button, but I'd really like to avoid this if possible.
I have a workaround suggestion that might help: Use the UNIX command line via the terminal application to search for the Vuze process and kill it.

Launch Applications/Utilities/terminal

ps -ef | grep -i vuze
  501 28171   194   0  4:29pm ??        66:11.67 /Applications/
  501 29554 29544   0  9:24pm ttys000    0:00.00 grep -i vuze

The second number, 28171, is the process ID (PID).

kill -9 28171

The application should shut down pretty fast.
(07-31-2016, 06:40 PM)'TurtlePower' Wrote: I have a workaround suggestion that might help: Use the UNIX command line via the terminal application to search for the Vuze process and kill it.

Launch Applications/Utilities/terminal

ps -ef | grep -i vuze
  501 28171   194   0  4:29pm ??        66:11.67 /Applications/
  501 29554 29544   0  9:24pm ttys000    0:00.00 grep -i vuze

The second number, 28171, is the process ID (PID).

kill -9 28171

The application should shut down pretty fast.


I'm having this issue with High Sierra 10.3.2. It will start and quit several times but eventually, it won't start anymore though the Finder says that it still running.  I tried the UNIX command and the problem is that UNIX says that there is 'no such process'

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px Monaco; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff}
span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures}Lawrence-2:~ Lawrence$ ps -ef | grep -i vuze  501 53927 53900   0  7:34PM ttys000    0:00.00 grep -i vuzeLawrence-2:~ Lawrence$ kill -9 53927-bash: kill: (53927) - No such process
It interferes with Shutting Down/Restarting, I can't delete Vuze because the Finder says that it i still open. I can't overwrite it with another Vuze either due to it being open. I'm a bit puzzled as to the problem and not sure whether it's Vuze or Java. I've updated to the latest version of Java. the only way I can get Vuze to function again is to shut down via the Power button on my Mac PRo and reboot.

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