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Vuze Closes alone if I'm connected to internet
hey ppl and staff, I looked up the solution for my problem but there was no luck finding that.

I've been using vuze for 5 years now, and I'm very comfortable with it, but latley out of nowhere vuze just crashed , closed alone instantly after loading is completed, tried uninstalling it, updating java and flash player, nothing worked.

I tried oppening it while running as an adminstirator and still crashed, but I figured out that it wont crash if I'm not connected to any kind of networks on my laptop , I tried running it with nothing seeding or downloading with the network connected and crashed also.

hope you help me fix this up, it's realy annoying because I'm used to vuze and don't want to use anouther torrent client.


Note: using windows 7 32bit



i have the same problem as theIllegalLove. i've been using vuze more than 7 years. today when i try to run it, it crashed and there were no bug report. i tried to update java and other things and tried to restore the system but nothing worked. by the way vuzeleap works but vuze crashes. thanks for the help.
Note: using windows x64

Can you check to see if this is the same issue? If you find a crash dump does it indicate that it is crashing in internet explorer or the code that talks to it? 

C  [swt-win32-4508.dll+0x31090]

C  [swt-win32-4508.dll+0x2d1e0]
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM.MoveMemory(Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;II)V+0
j  org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebSite.ProcessUrlAction(IIIIIIII)I+142
Thank you very much for your help, the solution provided in worked for me , gladly I will gladly continue using vuze The best torrent client :D

and for the people looking for the solution here it is posted by "parge" in the link he provided:

A couple things have changed in this release that might be causing this

1) the SWT graphics library was updated to version 4508 (the crash is in this library)
2) a plugin (Promo View) was added to show promotional content
(which uses Internet Explorer via the SWT library).

If you get time before the crash occurs you could disable the plugin by going to Tools->Options and
clicking on the Plugins entry there, then uncheck the box next to 'Promo View', save settings and

To get time and disable it you should disconnect your internet connection and then follow the steps provided by "parge"

here's a photo of the plugin you should disable

[Image: Untitled.jpg]

Thank you very much for your help, the solution provided in worked for me , gladly I will gladly continue using vuze The best torrent client :D

and for the people looking for the solution here it is posted by "parge" in the link he provided:

                   A couple things have changed in this release that might be causing this

                   1) the SWT graphics library was updated to version 4508 (the crash is in this library)
                   2) a plugin (Promo View) was added to show promotional content
                      (which uses Internet Explorer via the  SWT library).

                    If you get time before the crash occurs you could disable the plugin by going to Tools->Options and
                    clicking on the Plugins entry there, then uncheck the box next to 'Promo View', save settings and

To get time and disable it you should disconnect your internet connection and then do the steps provided by "parge"

here's a photo of the plugin you should disable

[Image: Untitled.jpg]

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