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Vuze 5.6 locks up after running about 8 hours
Hi all... I'm a content author who distributes a lot of my material via BT. It keeps my internet load down, as I'm sure you can understand.

Starting with the current release of Vuze, it seizes up after about 8-9 hours and I have to restart to keep seeding. With the in-your-face update push, I always just go with it. Vuze has never let me down. Until now. First, if I catch it at the early stages of seizure, it simply won't respond to searches in the search box. Then, later, it will not display files when I click on a torrent in my list. At the final stage, it won't even display menus when I click on the headers File, View, Community, etc. I generally just restart if I manage to catch it in the first stage. If it's in the second or third stage of failure, Vuze will not respond to any menu commands, including "Restart Vuze", and won't shut down with alt+F4 or clicking on the X in the upper right. It's just sitting there with 1-2% CPU usage (normally between 5-20%) and a couple of hundred MB memory used. I stop it in Task Manager, then restart. Is there a particular version of Java this release is optimized for? What am I missing?
Can you grab a '' file (Help menu, last option) and select 'manual send' and then attach the generated to an email to I'll take a look
parg\ dateline='\'1426987107' Wrote: Can you grab a '' file (Help menu, last option) and select 'manual send' and then attach the generated to an email to I'll take a look


will do

ETA i couldn't make a zip file. (searched all of C: and couldn't find it) so i just did a regular send
Hi, sorry for the delay, wasn't around this weekend.

You're running out of memory that Vuze can use (this is the Java 'virtual machine's maximum memory size, not your computer's overall memory)

While I'm not sure exactly why this is happening you do have a lot of downloads within Vuze and each one of these does use some memory. You can increase the memory available to Vuze by going to Tools->Options and

1) setting your 'mode' to 'advanced' (via the top 'Mode' options panel)
2) going to 'startup & shutdown' and entering '512 MB' in the 'Max Heap memory size' option (top option in the 'Java Options' section)
3) restart Vuze

You can verify that the changes you made have taken effect by going back to the 'Java Options' after restart and looking for what it says for the 'Current Heap maximum' to the right of the field you changed. It might not say exactly 512MB due to various overheads but it should be close.
(03-23-2015, 09:12 AM)'parg' Wrote: Hi, sorry for the delay, wasn't around this weekend.

You're running out of memory that Vuze can use (this is the Java 'virtual machine's maximum memory size, not your computer's overall memory)

While I'm not sure exactly why this is happening you do have a lot of downloads within Vuze and each one of these does use some memory. You can increase the memory available to Vuze by going to Tools->Options and

1) setting your 'mode' to 'advanced' (via the top 'Mode' options panel)
2) going to 'startup & shutdown' and entering '512 MB' in the 'Max Heap memory size' option (top option in the 'Java Options' section)
3) restart Vuze

You can verify that the changes you made have taken effect by going back to the 'Java Options' after restart and looking for what it says for the 'Current Heap maximum' to the right of the field you changed. It might not say exactly 512MB due to various overheads but it should be close.

Yes, thank you. I'll try that and let everyone know if it worked.

did not work. Tried 768 MB and 1 GB, too. No joy. Now I'm getting the red-text "Disk read error - out of memory" message on active downloads along with the other symptoms. But the menus don't disappear anymore...

Strange - I would have expected that to at least postpone the problem.

Could you join the beta program ( ) and then wait for Vuze to update to version 5601 B11 - this has some added diagnostics.

Then run Vuze for a few hours and generate a new ? Hopefully that will provide more clues. Thanks
I did and sent you another debug email
You don't appear to be running out of heap memory but there is a log about 'direct' memory - did you increase this setting after getting it? I see it is set to 1GB at the moment.
(03-30-2015, 12:45 PM)'parg' Wrote: You don't appear to be running out of heap memory but there is a log about 'direct' memory - did you increase this setting after getting it? I see it is set to 1GB at the moment.

yes i did... and i'm still getting 'out of memory' errors. And azureus.exe never uses more than about 500MB before i get that message. is there perhaps some sort of configuration i have to do in the java console to sort this out? Thanks, by the way, for your help. I love Vuze more than any other bt program, and I don't want to switch to another if I can avoid it.


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