Shortly after downloading the I2P helper plugin my Vuze install crashed.
When I restarted I got the usual "Vuze didn't save so I can't load" dialogue. I hit OK per usual.
Then I get a screen without the Plug-in Bar I have turned on and in the sidebar the Device Playback and Plugins and Extras don't show. Most of the Status Bar is empty or showing 0 up and down. The main area has a large blue frog logo and a progress bar that is hard to read but appears to be rebuilding the Library index and since I have allot of torrents that takes a long time, like over 10 minutes. For a third of that time it just seems to sit there and do nothing.
"Oh well," I thought "it just has to do this to recover"
It has been doing it every time I launch or relaunch Vuze and this is getting annoying. It is taking longer than I am often downloading a file with the connection I have.
Any Ideas to fix this without borking my list of torrents in the library? I would usually just reinstall but the last 2 times I did that I lost my library so every issue I have run into I have been forced to clean install and start from scratch.
Thanks in advance.
When I restarted I got the usual "Vuze didn't save so I can't load" dialogue. I hit OK per usual.
Then I get a screen without the Plug-in Bar I have turned on and in the sidebar the Device Playback and Plugins and Extras don't show. Most of the Status Bar is empty or showing 0 up and down. The main area has a large blue frog logo and a progress bar that is hard to read but appears to be rebuilding the Library index and since I have allot of torrents that takes a long time, like over 10 minutes. For a third of that time it just seems to sit there and do nothing.
"Oh well," I thought "it just has to do this to recover"
It has been doing it every time I launch or relaunch Vuze and this is getting annoying. It is taking longer than I am often downloading a file with the connection I have.
Any Ideas to fix this without borking my list of torrents in the library? I would usually just reinstall but the last 2 times I did that I lost my library so every issue I have run into I have been forced to clean install and start from scratch.
Thanks in advance.