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TCP Port does not work
Hi. I have already read many "how to fix NAT problem" guides, wiki and other stuff, but like two weeks ago, I noticed my torrents download fair quickly, but they do not upload at all, even if there is a big count of seeds. Mostly it shows 0B uploaded, or like just few MB (1-10) after running it like 2 weeks. Anyway, some trackers require you to have appropriate ratio, so it is fair and the torrents are kept seeded and don't suddenly die. From tests, it seems like a kind of NAT problem or something, but only TCP protocol denies the connection, while UDP works fine I suppose.

Here's an example of test, which Vuze did. It keeps saying to check port forwarding.

Test starting
Default public address is
0 NAT devices found
No SOCKS proxy found
No HTTP proxy found
No explicit bind address set
Testing HTTP outbound
Test successful
Testing TCP outbound
Test successful
Testing UDP outbound
Test successful
Testing TCP port 52052 inbound
Test failed: NAT test failed: Connection to (your computer) refused
Check your port forwarding for TCP 52052
Testing UDP port 52052 inbound
Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=5000)
Sending completion event
Test successful
1 public/external addresses found
AS details: as=30764,asn=PODA-AS PODA a.s.,CZ, bgp_prefx=[/]
Vuze Services test
Vuze Website -
Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), OU=See (c)13, OU=GT10270993, SERIALNUMBER=6iRebnvENcZAngMRRe2EIbG-U9aO6U7U
Connection result: 200/OK
Client Website -
Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), OU=See (c)13, OU=GT10270993, SERIALNUMBER=6iRebnvENcZAngMRRe2EIbG-U9aO6U7U
Connection result: 200/OK
Version Server -
Connection result: 200/OK
Pairing Server -
Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), OU=See (c)13, OU=GT10270993, SERIALNUMBER=6iRebnvENcZAngMRRe2EIbG-U9aO6U7U
Connection result: 200/OK
License Server -
Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), OU=See (c)13, OU=GT10270993, SERIALNUMBER=6iRebnvENcZAngMRRe2EIbG-U9aO6U7U
Connection result: 200/OK
Plugins Website -
Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), OU=See (c)13, OU=GT10270993, SERIALNUMBER=6iRebnvENcZAngMRRe2EIbG-U9aO6U7U
Connection result: 200/OK
Indirect Connect test
Connecting to
Certificate: CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R), OU=See (c)13, OU=GT10270993, SERIALNUMBER=6iRebnvENcZAngMRRe2EIbG-U9aO6U7U
Connection result: 200/OK
Distributed protocol test
Incoming routing established for 84A4A30A8809A9A66462395A8AA2123B780B8FD9
Searching 128 contacts for 8 test targets
Making outbound connection to /
Making outbound connection to /
Making outbound connection to /
Making outbound connection to /
Making outbound connection to /
Making outbound connection to /
Making outbound connection to /
Making outbound connection to /
Searching complete, 8 targets found
(LL 1) Outbound connection fail: end of stream on socket read
Status: sessions=7, out_attempts=8, out_connect=8, in_connect=0
Destroying tester
Test complete
Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand !recv, bitf !sent, bitf !recv
Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
No incoming connections received, likely NAT problems
Incoming routing destroyed for 84A4A30A8809A9A66462395A8AA2123B780B8FD9

With this internet provider, I always could seed like a crazy and I could gain a great ratio. I don't know what does it not like, my ports are oppened correctly - I have used it the same way before and everything worked. There is a screenshot showing my settings on router:

[Image: af909c80b0.png]

Firewall is both disabled on my computer and the router. I am using Windows 7 and my router is Asus RT-N10.

If there is someone, who could help me, I would be really grateful, thanks in advance for your help! If you need to know any other information, do not hesitate to reply on this thread.


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