I normally run a command to detect my Xbox and change settings on uTorrent, and now I'd like to do the same with Vuze. What is the best way to do this? Are there args I can pass through the ./vuze boot script or is there a more direct java-y way? I used the webui for uTorrent and ran wget to change stuff, is that my only option, and how would I do that?
Settings I'd like to change: up speed, down speed, global connections
Old script, runs every minute, triggers a ping to the xbox to populate arp table (not on same switch), then if in arp make changes.
Settings I'd like to change: up speed, down speed, global connections
Old script, runs every minute, triggers a ping to the xbox to populate arp table (not on same switch), then if in arp make changes.
ping -c 1
check=`ip neighbor | grep 00:18:88:8e:2f:5a > /dev/null; echo $?`
if [[ $check == "0" ]]; then
wget -O /dev/null http\://\?action\=sets$
wget -O /dev/null http\://\?action\=sets$